Logan and Roman together again

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Logan's POV

I finally get a break for a day and I spend it at home, watching Criminal Minds. I have heard a lot about the show and it is actually very informative and interesting. Though I am still doing some work for school. I have an essay for one class and a project for another. I hear my phone ringing and grab it off the table, taking it off charger. The person calling me is Roman.

I answer it, "Salutations Roman."

"Hiya Microsoft Nerd," his voice is cheerful and happy. "Guess what."

"What is it?"

Roman sighs, "I told you to guess but fine... I'm five minutes away from your dorm."

"What?! Roman, what are you doing?"

"I'm coming to see my best friend! I'll be there shortly. See you soon Nerd."

"I will see you when you arrive," I hang up the phone and set it down with a sigh.

Soon I hear a knock on the door. I get up and answer it. Roman is standing there wearing a white crop top that has a yellow crown on the front, red jeans, and black shoes.

I feel a little under dressed, even if this is a surprise meet up. I am wearing a plain black shirt, grey sweatpants, and blue socks.

Roman hugs me happily, "Logan, I missed you!"

I hug him back but it doesn't last long, "I missed you as well. It is nice to see you again."

Roman walks in and looks around ny dorm, "This is nice! Do you have any dorm mates?"

"Yes. I have two. There was a third one but he was caught doing illegal activities on campus and kicked out of the school."

"Ah, well at least that gives you less uh... Distractions. I know you would rather focus on work than socializing," Roman said, looking at my school work that is laying on the coffee table along with my laptop that has more than enough tabs open. I should probably close some.

I walk over to the kitchen, "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"Yes! I'm so hungry and thirsty. I drove nonstop for what feels like ages."

I grab him a red Gatorade and a bowl of chips. "I know it is not much. Unfortunately most money is going to our school supplies and we have little to spare for food. Though we get by."

Roman nods and takes the Gatorade and bowl, "It works. Thanks." He starts to eat, sitting down on one of the stools at the counter. "Oh, I got more good news."

I grab me a water bottle from the fridge, turning to face Roman, "What is it?"

"I got a audition back in our hometown and I would like to take you back for a trip!"

I set my bottle of water down on the counter, "Roman, I have class. I cannot do that."

"Ask to do it online. Tell then you have an emergency back at home that needs you there."

I sigh and think for a minute,"Fine. I will talk to my professors. But this will not happen again."

Roman jumps up from his seat and cheers, "Yay! I'll go and let Patton know. He ended up going back to see his family and Virgil."

"It will be nice for the group to be together again."

Roman nods and then leaves to call Patton. I cannot wait to see Virgil again.

Be ready for spams of me publishing chapters whether it's this book or another one. Anxiety is high cause shit going down in my country and family problems. So yeah.

Have a good day/night!

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