I'm Sorry

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Logan's POV

I walk into room 230. Virgil hasn't woken up again for the last couple of days. The nurse and doctor said he is in comatose. I sit down next to Virgil, sitting on the chair next to his bed.

"I know me and Remy visit everyday and you might be tired of us... I would too." I let out a weak chuckle. "But uh... I haven't apologized to you yet."

No response. Not that I was expecting one.

"I should have listened to you and Roman. This is like highschool all over again minus the uh... Well the intensity of things. I should have known better. You and Roman are opposites and would never work out."

I wipe away some tears that managed to fall, "I... I am sincerely sorry. I am so sorry." I start to sob. Nothing could express how sorry I am.

After a while I take my leave.

Virgil's POV

"I want to be a rockstar when I grow up! Or maybe an astronaut. Oh! No! Wait even better! I wanna be a monster on a horror movie," My seven year old self ramble on.

Remy laughs and ruffles my hair, "I'll support you all the way. Just don't sell your body."


He takes me to the table where a chocolate cake with rainbow sprinkles and a 7 candle on top. Patton is there as well, also as a kid.

"Happy bwithday, Virgil!" He was a slow learner when it came to speech.

"Thanks Patt!"

We eat some cake and play games. Everything was great.

Darkness clouds the memory, making it disappear, removing it from my mind.

"How dare you," I yell in disbelief.

"Oh shit," Janus mumbles as he removes hismelf from Remus.

"You cheated on me, with REMUS?"

"I'm just better in bed," Remus states.

"Fuck you Remus!"

"Is that an offer?"

"You both are pieces of shit! I can't believe I ever trusted you assholes, worthless assholes!"

"Mr. Stone," A stern voice says, "That is detention for you."

I freeze and growl, Patton who was with me when I catch the two speaks up, "Uhh... Fuuuuck...?"

The teacher looks at Patton, "Uh... Detention to you to Mr. Lovett."

"Aww... Dang..."

Another fog of darkness clouds that memory and makes me feel like a barrier comes between me and it.

"Do you really think Logan will forgive you," A familiar voice asks. "He won't ever believe you-"

"I know me and Remy visit everyday and you might be tired of us." Then a chuckle.

Logan. I focus on his voice to calm my thoughts. At least he is talking to me.

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