Revenge Bitch

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I'm sorry this took so long to publish! School was crazy and my dog got surgery so I'm taking care of her. That leaves me with only night time to write. I hope you all understand!

Warnings: Remus grinds on Janus but that's it. They both are fully clothed.

Virgil's POV

"Then once that is done, that asshole will be gone and out of our lives forever," Remus says, finishing up with the plan.

I nod, "That's actually really good. And surprisingly not deathly at all."

Janus wraps an arm around Remus, "I limited him on what was allowed in the plan and what wasn't."

I nod again, "Makes sense."

Patton speaks up, "Isn't that a little too mean?"

Remus answers, "No. After everything that happened because of this asshole, he is lucky he will be alive after this."

Roman hugs Patton, "I know you don't like this kind of stuff, but you don't have to get involved."

Patton shakes his head, "It's fine, don't worry. I just, don't want a fight or anything to happen."

"It won't," Roman said softly.

Logan wraps an arm around me and I look at him, "Are you sure you want to see him," Logan asks.

"Yeah, it will be good for me. Plus think about how much it will bother him to see us together."

Logan smiles, "You may not realize it, but you could definitely come up with something to make someone never cross you again. You could be scary."

I smile, "I know. But unlike Remus, I can hold myself back."

"Hey! Rude but true," Remus says.

We all share a small laugh. Then go to bed.

I wake up and see Remus and Janus are awake, making out in the corner. Remus starts to grind on Janus and I throw a pillow at them.

Remus looks at me, "Don't ruin the moment Virge."

Janus chuckles, "There was never going to be more than kissing. Anyone could see us here."

Remus smiles, "That was the point."

Janus slaps him playfully, I roll my eyes and cuddle up to Logan who is sleeping, he has an arm around me. He is warm and this is very comforting.

I get pulled from my thoughts by Logan waking up.

I smile at him, "Good morning."

"Good morning," he kisses me.

"Are you ready to do this today?"

Logan nods, "Yeah. I'm ready. Are you?"

I nod, "Yeah. Its time to make that asshole pay."

We get out of the bed and get changed into casual clothes. Remus walks out with Janus by his side. Roman and Patton soon join.

"Time to start the plan, Virgil," Remus turns to me, "You ready?"

I nod, "Yeah."

Patton speaks up, "Remember that you don't have to do this."

"I know. But I think this will teach him," I turn to Logan, "Are you okay with this plan?"

Logan kisses me, "I do not like it but I know that it will be nice to see the result."

Janus speaks up, "It won't get too far."

I nod, "Let's do this."

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