Pity Party

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Warnings: Alcohol and getting drunk

Logan's POV

Patton and I go to his parents house. He explains that Virgil and Roman kissed and we found out and that we need someplace to stay until things are situated. I'm tempted to just forget talking it out and go back to my college dorm. I do not need these feelings and this drama in my life.

I just feel so betrayed. Virgil was my boyfriend and Roman was my best friend. They stabbed me and Patton in the back, not literally of course. But it feels like they did. More specifically it feels like they stabbed me in the heart and I bet Patton feels that way too.

We go to his old bedroom which looks like it hasn't been touched since highschool. He sits down on the bed and grabs one of the many stuffed animals on his bed. He has shelves attached to the wall that have stuffed animals on them as well.

I sit down on the bed and grab one, it's a giraffe. I hug it and surprisingly, it makes me feel a little bit better. We sit in silence for a while until his mom comes in with a tray of cookies and two cups of milk. She sets the tray down on his bedside table, kissing his cheek, and leaves.

Patton hands me a cup and cookie and I eat it, feeling a little better. Who knew that stuffed animals and cookies and milk would help with heartbreak. I haven't felt like this since highschool.

I kick off my shoes and lay down next to Patton, finally starting up conversation, "They really cheated on us."

Patton nodded, laying down next to me, "I wonder how long they've been seeing each other," he sniffles.

"I do not want to know."

He hugs me and I hug him back, we both go quiet as we deal with the pain. Why does love have to hurt?

Virgil's POV

Roman's parents are out of the house so Remus is taking care of us, though not in the way same people would take care of people in a heartbreak.

"Drink everytime you think of Logan, Patton, or when you two kissed. I'm going to call Jan and figure out a revenge plan for that asshole," he smiles and leaves the room.

Roman takes a drink of the alcohol, we each have our own cup. "I feel like shit."

I take a drink, "Me too."

Roman takes a drink, "I shouldn't have confronted you with him around."

I take a drink, "I shouldn't have let him got the job."

Roman takes a drink. I sigh and drink again, "Wanna chug the bottles?"

Roman nods and we so we drink till we blackout.

Remus's POV

"Okay Jan, thanks so much. I love you and will keep you updated," I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket.

I want to get back at that Dmitri bastard for hurting my brother and one of my closest friends. Janus gave me permission to go all out, so I will.

I walk back to the kitchen and see the emo and prep on the floor passed out. Damn they both drank around four bottles.

I sigh pick up Roman, throwing him over my shoulder. I take him to his old room and set him in his bed. I then go pick up Virgil bridal style, being more careful with him, I lay him in my bed and then go to the living room to plan out everything.

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