Nothing to lose

114 7 3

TW: Suicide attempt, jumping out a window.

Virgil's POV

Remus and Janus went to talk to the two. Remus came back saying that he doesn't know if their fake fight worked or not. He then leaves to make some food.

Roman sits up and looks at the time, "I'm gonna try to look nice. I'm going to change to in the bathroom." He grabs some clothes and then leaves the room, the door partially open.

I haven't gotten better at all. Everything is my fault. My boyfriend and bff hate me. I deserve it. I look out the window and stand up. I feel like I'm not in control of my body, my mind is telling my body what to do and I won't fight it.

I go to the window and open it, taking out the screen, I move to sit in the window and look down. I'm on the second floor and if I jump just right. I feel tears fall down my face and I let go, pushing myself forward and off the roof.

Everything happens so fast. One second I'm in the air, the next. Pain, dark,-

"VIRGIL! Holy fuck! Roman call-"

Then I don't hear anything.

Logan's POV

Janus, Patton, and I are all sitting in Patton's room talking about how our lives are going. We are the only three in the group in college.

Then Janus's phone rings, "Hello," he answers. "What? ...Remus calm down I can't understand you... Virgil did what? ....Oh god.... We'll be there."

He hangs up the phone and I notice the tears in his eyes, "Virgil is in the hospital he tried to... He... Tried to kill himself."

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