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I know last chapter focused on Virgil mainly and this one will too. I will try involving more chapters that will have Logan as the main point of view but that will be in the later chapters. I also have some chapters planned for Roman and Patton's POV.

For now enjoy the emo's view of life.

Also last thing, if you all could give me some feedback of what you think so far or advice, I will greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

Have a good day/night!

Trigger Warnings: Blood

Virgil's POV

I've been working with Dmitri for the day. He has been nicer and hasn't flirted with me. Sure he calls me baby or compliments me but I chose to ignore it.

We finish closing and I text Marie a quick, 'I hope everything is okay and take off work for as long as you need. I will give you PTO.'

When she received that call from the babysitter it was her saying that her daughter had snuck out of the house and slipped into the pool as she hit her head on the edge, causing it to bust open and bleed. She had to go to the emergency room.

I'm letting her take off as long as she needs. Medical bills are expensive and I feel really bad for her. I think the dad is out of the picture. She never talks about him and has no pictures of him. She does talk about her daughter though. She always talks about how she is her everything and that Marie wants her to have the best and only the best. I wish I could do more to help. I might talk to the group about it and see if they will help her financially or some other way.

I finish changing the last lightbulb next to one of the mirrors. I throw it away and turn to Dmitri who is finishing with sweeping the floor.

"That's good," I state. "We can lock up and head home."

Dmitri nods and sets the broom away in the back, he comes back out and as he grabs his car keys he turns to me, "Hey uh, Vee. Would you like to hang out?"

I'm caught off guard by the nickname and question, I honestly wasn't expecting this, "Not tonight. My friends and boyfriend are over and we only get so much time together."

"Ah, I see. That's nice. Well if you all want to, I got tickets to a concert. There's a band called 'Soul Eaters' and I think you would like them."

"Oh? When is the concert and how many tickets do you have?"

"The concert is tomorrow night and I have five tickets. Is that enough?"

"Yeah," I answer kind of shocked. I smile, "I'll talk to them about it and see if they are interested in going."

"Great! Here I'll give you my number so you can contact me and let me know."

I nod and hand him my phone, he puts his number in and I look at the contact.

Dmitri 🧡

"Uhh, why did you put a heart," I ask, looking at him confused.

He chuckles, "Why not? It's not a love thing it's more of a, I'm a dashing young man and this is how you know it's me kind of thing."

That makes no sense but I won't tell him that. "Okay then. See ya later and goodnight."

He nods, "Goodnight."

I arrive home and head inside, I see everyone sitting on the couch. Logan walks over to me and kisses me. "Welcome home Virgil. How was work," he asks.

I smile and wrap my arms around his shoulders, "Thanks Lo. And work was fine."

He smiles, "I am glad to hear that."

We go to the kitchen and sit down on the stools. "Oh guys guess what," I say, remembering my conversation with the silver haired worker.

Patton looks at me humming, Roman verbally asks what along with Logan.

"I hired someone new who I've had an interaction with before but we ended up talking and he invited all of us to a concert and that we could go with him. He has five tickets."

"What band," Roman asks, his arm around Patton.

"A band called Soul Eaters. I haven't heard of them but it sounds cool."

Roman winces, "That's emo. Well I haven't heard of them or heard their songs but that is definitely emo."

Patton speaks up, "I would like to go."

Logan joins in, "Me as well. I do want to try to do more fun things."

Roman sighs, "I guess I'll go too."

I smile, "Great! The concert is tomorrow night and I'll text Dmitri and let him know."

I pull out my phone and type the answer.

Hey Dimitri, it's Virgil. They said yes.

Dmitri 🧡:
That's awesome! I'll give you the tickets tomorrow at work. Make sure you all dress to fit in. That means emo.

I'm always emo. It would also be nice to see them dressed emo too. Thanks for the offer by the way.

Dmitri 🧡:
Heh, yeah. And no problem baby. I can't wait to meet your boyfriend either. He is coming right?

Yeah. He's coming. Anyways I'm gonna go.

Dmitri 🧡:
Cool! Talk later.

I put my phone in my pocket and look at the three with a smile, "He said he will give me the tickets tomorrow at work and when we go to the concert you all have to dress up as emo."

Patton cheers and smiles brightly, "Yay! I'm so excited! I can't wait!"

Roman groans loudly, being dramatic about it which isn't a surprise, "Whyyyyy? I don't want to be all dark and moody."

I let out a small laugh, "Just stand it for one night."

Logan speaks up, "It will not be bad Roman. I think this will be fun for all of us and it is something new. Now, it is late. Virgil should shower and we should all get ready for bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

We all nod and do as Logan says. I really hope tomorrow goes well.

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