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Virgil's POV

I get to work early, Marie is back and she is thankful that I gave her paid time off. We talk for a while before Dmitri comes in. I ask him to come to my office which is just a small room next to the backroom.

He closes the door behind him, "What do you need to talk about babe," he asks.

I lean against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest, "We need to talk about you flirting with me. It needs to stop. My boyfriend is mad at me and it isn't professional."

Dmitri nods slowly before taking a step towards me, "I see. Well you know what I think?" He asks, then speaks up before I can answer, "I think that your just mad because he doesn't love you. He is using me as an excuse."

"Excuse me?!"

Dmitri smiles a bit, "Look, you can tell him we are friends but he won't believe you. You can tell him that you fired me, he won't care." He leans towards me, cupping my face, "He just doesn't believe you."

I feel a lump in my throat and push him away, "Your fired."

He laughs, "Really? You think firing me will solve your relationship? Well it won't."

"You don't-" I'm interrupted by Roman's voice.

"Virgil," he calls out.

I sigh and walk out of the office, "Roman, what is it?"

Roman walks over to me, but sees Dmitri come out of the office causing him to make a fist, "Why were you two in there?"

I answer, "I fired him. I'm going to prove to Logan that I do care. I can't lose him."

Dmitri walks over, "It's gonna happen anyways," he pushes me into Roman, causing Roman to catch me, though due to Dimitri being the asshole he is, our lips touch. I see the flash of the camera and turn to the silver haired male.

I get away from Roman, grossed out and pissed, "Get out!"

Roman gags, "Oh God. Emo just- I'm gonna get infected I need mouthwash." He storms out of the building.

Dmitri smirks but nods, "I'll leave. But you have no idea what will happen with your friend group." He laughs and walks out.

Marie walks over to me worried about everything that just happened and I tell her everything, the first time I met Dmitri, the concert, Logan, and I don't hold back.

Roman's POV

The second I get home I rush to the bathroom and get the mouthwash, I start cleaning my mouth and brushing it. Logan walks in the bathroom.

He pulls the toothbrush away after I finish rinsing my mouth, "Roman, what happened?"

I put the toothbrush in the toothbrush holder and turn to him, I can't tell him I kissed Virgil, even if it wasn't intentional. "I ate something bad and couldn't talk to Virgil."

"Oh... Well then maybe I should text him at least," He states in a thoughtful tone.

"No!" Virgil might tell him about the kiss, "I mean no. Maybe tonight. He is working and you shouldn't bother him yet."

"Your right. Let's go to your room then. We can watch some television, maybe even watch a Disney movie."

I jump up, "Yes!"

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