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Virgil's POV

Patton and Janus take me to a house. I look at them confused, "Where are we?"

Patton answers, "Your house. A couple weeks ago you moved out."

I nod slowly as I take it all in. I grab Janus's hand, walking into the house with him. It smells like a new house and new books. I walk into the tiny kitchen and start moving to sit on the counter.

"Woah, easy Sweetheart," Janus says, grabbing me gently and helping me up, making sure I don't hit my head on the cabinets.

"Thanks babe," I smile and kiss his cheek.

Patton clears his throat, "Hey uh, Janus, can you come help me? I wanna make Virgil's bed and put on some new clean sheets since those are old and probably dirty."

Janus nods and looks at me, saying a quick bye before leaving the room and my sight.

Patton's POV

Once Janus enters Virgil's room, I close the door and glare at the man.

"What the heckidie, heck do you think you are doing," I ask, keeping my voice low.

Janus leans against the purple dresser, "I'm doing what needs to be done. Look, I know we aren't dating but it's best to keep up the act until he starts remembering this stuff on his own."

"But your hurting Logan. And what about Remus?"

"Logan will understand and if he did care, he would be here instead of me. As for Remus, he knows that I love him. And as much as I want to be with him... I can't leave Virgil."

"And why is that? I know we all got on good terms at the end of highschool but you both still did horrible things."

Janus sighs, "I... I know. And this is my chance to fix that. In a few days I will end things with Virgil. A better way than him finding me making out with Remus. I just need some time. All I'm asking is that you give me that time."

He looks at me with pleading eyes and I just can't say no. I sigh, "Fine... Fine... I'll give you some time."

He let's out a huge sigh of relief, "Thank you so much Patton I owe you big time. Oh and if you wanna know about the revenge plan to get back at Dmitri then text one of the twins. Remus has a plan already and wants to share it with everyone."

I nod, then we make Virgils bed, since we can't let him catch us in a lie. After that we go see Virgil, who is laying on the couch playing with a fidget spinner. He is adorable!

Janus walks over, "What are you doing?"

Virgil gets pulled from his trance and looks at the other, "Playing. I got bored."

Janus chuckles, "Well come on. We have to get some supper. What would you like?"


I let out a giggle and Janus walks us out, we decide to take my car since it has more space than Janus's. The entire time there we debate about what pizza topping is best.

Virgil says mushrooms, pepperoni, and sausage. Janus says black olives, spinach, and sausage. And I say a plain cheese with no toppings is best.

We pull into the pizza place the sign over the door huge and in big letters says, 'Pizzaocalypse'. Virgil loved eating here middle school and first year of highschool. We would always come here and eat pizzas and this is where Janus and Virgil had many dates. There is a room off to the side with old arcade games and some newer ones. They would play those all the time.

Janus and me never had been on the best of terms. I would have times where Virgil had me and Janus hang out and it was awkward and tense. We just never clicked though we didn't hate or dislike each other. Maybe now helping Virgil will bring us over that weird obstacle and we can become friends.

We get a booth in the corner since it is away from everyone and because Roman said he was coming here to see me and for food.

We sit down and order a pizza with their toppings on one, Virgil's on one half and Janus's on the other half. Then I ordered mine and Roman's. My half is no toppings and Roman's half is meat lovers.

(Man, all this pizza talk makes me want pizza ;-;)

We each get our drinks first, Janus got a coke, Virgil got chocolate milk, and I got Sprite. I study Virgil, he does act like a kid. I guess his mind set is his middle school self. Before he got anxious (even worse than before) and isolated. Janus and him were happy and we were best friends for life and even into death. We made a vow.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Roman kissing me, I blush and smile, scooting over to give him room to sit down next to me. We all sit in an awkward silence.

Virgil though was coloring a children's menu, which was printed on paper so he could color it. It was adorable!

Soon the pizza arrives and we eat, me and Roman talking mostly about random things. Then we all go our separate ways. Roman and Janus go to his house and me and Virgil go to his house.

I hope everything goes back to normal soon.

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