New Worker

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Virgil's POV

I wake up in my bed and sit up, stretching. I notice the body next to me and panic for a second. Oh yeah, its Logan. I almost forgot the two came over.

Roman and Patton are sleeping in the living room and Logan and I slept in here. I get out of my bed and change into my normal clothes. Black shirt, purple and black jacket, black jeans, and black boots. I put on my makeup and write a note for the three. As much as I would love to spend time with them, I can't. I have to work and be responsible.

I leave the house and drive to work, getting there early. I clean everything and start putting out the tools when one of my favorite workers come in. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites but this worker does everything and more.

There name is Marie and she is 23. She has a kid that is 5. She never talks about the father and I don't pry. She has long black hair with a red streak, a nose ring, wears a black crop top, black jeans, chains, and boots that are black and goes up above her knees.

"Hey boss," she says happily as she sets down her black leather purse and gets out her makeup. Putting on black lipstick, black eyeshadow, and doing finishing touches.

"Good morning Marie and you do know that you don't have to call me boss, right," I ask.

"I know but it's better for me. I like having someone to call boss. I hope that is alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I was just asking. Anyways, I have to finish setting all these tools out, could you clean the mirrors please? Niles didn't clean up last night like I had asked him to."

"Sure thing boss." She goes to the back and soon comes back with a small light purple basket of cleaning supplies, "Not to be that person but, Niles always messes up or just doesn't do anything. You should fire him. In my opinion, you've given him more than enough chances."

I sigh lightly, "I know. It's just hard for me to fire someone. I have never done it before either. Though I need to step up."

"He can't be mad at you. He can only be mad at himself," she stated in a motherly tone.

"Your right. Thanks Marie."


We finish setting up and when noon rolls around Niles comes in. He starts to clock in but I stop him.

"Niles," I say in a calm tone. "You won't he clocking in today."

Niles looks at me, his green eyes staring into my soul. "Why?"

"Your late again for the fourth time this week, you don't do everything I ask which isn't much, and you make too many mistakes that costs me money to fix. I'm sorry to say this but I have to let you go."

"....Oh... Well fuck you!" Niles yells, "I DIDN'T WANT THIS JOB ANYWAYS!" He then storms out.

I sigh heavily and go to my office in the back to start taking care of some other work.

Patton's POV

I wake up at 7:50 and head to the kitchen. There's a note on the fridge from Virgil and I read it.

Hey, sorry I'm gone. Had work. Will be back later tonight. Stop by if you all want. There is food in the cabinets and fridge. Help yourselves.

It sucks he has work but he is the boss and has to keep everything and everyone in check. I decide to take him up on the offer and grab some eggs, bacon, and sausage from the fridge and start cooking.

After a while the other two wake up and I tell then that Virgil is at work and let them read the note themselves. We all agree to visit Virgil at work.

I make everyone a plate and set the food on the counter. Virgil doesn't have a kitchen table. Just a counter with some stools. I wish he was living better. I'm still not sure why he moved out. His house was big and he had everything he needed.

We all start eating and talking, telling each other about things in our lives and other stuff.

Time skip to the next day

Virgil's POV

The group was going to see me at work yesterday but they all ended up catching up. Which was fine by me. I sent out applications yesterday as well and ended up leaving Marie in charge. She was promoted to manager.

She walks up to me, "Boss, I found the perfect person to take Niles old job. He will be here today."

"Already? Good job Marie. I'm proud," I smile. She is such a great employee.

She helps me get ready for the day and I hear the bell over the door ring. I turn around and see Dmitri. Marie walks over to him, "Boss this is the new employee!"

I keep my anxiety down, "Okay... Dmitri right?"

He smiles and nods, "Glad you remembered."

"Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, Marie can you get him situated?"

She nods and leads him to the backroom. I sit down and work on keeping calm. He might just be a flirty person. I shouldn't judge him yet. It takes a few minutes but they come back in.

Marie goes to say something but gets a call on her phone. "Its the babysitter."

"Answer it," I say in a kind tone.

"Thanks," she answers it and leaves the room.

Dmitri turns to me, "Good to see you again and sorry about my behavior the other day. Your just so.... Cute."

"Uhhh thanks and it's fine. But we should be professional now," I state.

"Of course. I promise to be professional."

This chapter was longer than I meant it to be. Oops.

I also wrote more chapters so yay!

I hope you all like it!

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