Two Years Later

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Before you read this I just wanna say this is the 2nd book to Highschool is Lame. So if you haven't read that one then do and then read this one. Also thanks so much for reading this book! I will try posting as much as I can but I have school so yeah. Anyways that's all. Hope you enjoy!

Virgil's POV

It's been two years since I've graduated high school. I opened my own tattoo parlor last year and Remy got married to Emile. Mom and dad are gone like normal but it's whatever. I moved out and live by myself. I actually just moved out a couple weeks ago.

Today is slow but that's fine. It allows me to stare at my phone and wait for Logan to reply to my text. I've been fighting for his attention and losing. He has been focusing in college and I know college is important but we rarely talk! I want my boyfriend back damn it! I sigh when I see he hasn't replied. I put my phone down and hear the bell, signaling that someone has entered the shop.

I look up and see a man around my age. Silver hair that's in a man bun, blue eyes, pale skin, a grey shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and black shoes. He walks over to the counter where I am.

"Hello," His voice is soft and clear.

"Hi, welcome," I say simply. "What can I do you for?"

He hums, "I'm not sure yet. I was hoping you could give me an idea."

"Oh well, here." I hand him the small book of tattoo ideas.

He opens it and looks through them, "Hmm... This one." He points to a skull with a dagger in its head.

"Alright. Take a seat and we will get started."

Logan's POV

I'm so exhausted. College is hard work and I have a part time job so I can save up money to visit Virgil. I want to surprise him. I get pulled out of my thoughts by a customer walking in. I work at a cafe if that is important. I work everyday after school and do homework when I get to my dorm.

She orders and I make it quickly, hoping to get out of here soon. Some days I just want to lay down and relax. But I never have the time. I miss talking to Virgil and the other two. I wonder how his parlor is doing. He only tells me bits and pieces but I assume that it is going well.

I glance at the time and sigh, four hours left until I can go home. This will be a rough day.

Small Timeskip

I go into my dorm building and see the most annoying person on the planet. Allison. She has long blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, an hourglass figure, and wears a lot of pink with white. Today she is wearing a short pink dress with a white jacket, three inch pink high heels, and a white purse. Since day one she has flirted with me even though I've told her about Virgil and me being gay. She never gives up.

"Heyyyy Logie," she smiles at me.

"What do you want," I ask.

"I just wanted to see you."

"That's a waste of time. Now get out of my way," I push past her and go to my dorm, ignoring her calling after me.

Roman's POV

No ever said becoming famous was so hard! I have been a background character for some movies and shows but never important! But that changes today! There is a new movie that needs actors and actresses. I must get a role in this!

Small Timeskip

I didn't get the role! This is ridiculous! I would call Patton but he is in a different time zone and I don't want to wake him or disturb him if he is busy. I sigh and go to my apartment. I flop onto my bed and try to relax. Maybe I can find a movie in need of an actor tomorrow.

Patton's POV

College has been okay. I miss my friends and Roman though. I just wish we could all hang out. Two years ago was the last time any of us has seen each other in person and it's sad and sucks.

I try not to think about it though. Maybe I can make a surprise visit though when I'm on my next break...Hmm...Maybe.

I get pulled from my thoughts when my phone alarm goes off. Time for class! I gotta run! I will call Roman after class today to! Or I'll get too busy to which happens a lot nowadays.

I have finally been able to get back to this book and focus on it and hopefully improve it. Sorry it took so long!

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