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TW: Mentions of suicidal thoughts and saying they will commit suicide but not being serious.

Janus's POV

Remus parks his green, beaten up truck that has dents everywhere, a broken turn signal light, a cracked windshield and one of the doors don't lock, in Patton's driveway. We get out of the car, Remus has to slam his door about five times before it finally stays close.

We walk to the front door and I knock. Soon a woman answers with long blonde hair, blue eyes, taller than average, and looks like the female and healthier version of Patton.

"Oh, hello, do you boys need something," she asks in a kind, motherly tone.

I nod, "Yes. We are friends with Patton and Logan. We heard what happened and would like to check up on them if that is alright?"

"Oh! Of course come on in."

We thank her and see leads us to the bedroom. She opens the door and pokes her head in, "Boys, you have some friends here."

She then leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. Me and Remus walk in, "Hey guys," Remus says.

Patton doesn't say anything, looking at us shocked and confused. Logan on the other hand looks pissed, "Why are you two here?"

I sigh, "We wanted to see how you two are doing. The other two are a mess and we-"

"That Dmitri bitch made them kiss," Remus blabs.

I elbow him in the gut, he makes a noise of pain then pushes me a bit.

Patton speaks up, staying on his bed holding a bear plushie, "What are you talking about?"

I look at him, "Virgil fired Dmitri-"

"Who may I add, tried convincing him that Logan would never believe him about anything involving that asshat-"

I nudge him, "So when Roman went to confront Virgil, Dmitri took that chance to make it look like something it wasn't."

Logan glares at us, "Why are you two here instead of them?"

Remus growls, "Because you two probably would have kicked them out or that woman, who and Janus don't hit me is really fucking hot. Anyways, she probably would have not let them in."

I sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of my nose, how did I fall for this idiot?

"Look," I start, "They are doing awful. Virgil hasn't eaten anything or gotten out of bed and Roman-"

Remus interrupts me again, I swear I will kill him, "He has died. His room smells worse than mine, well the two are dying in there, at least they suffer together, but that's not the point-"

"Wait," Logan says. "Virgil is with Roman?"

"Mourning the lost of you two," Remus replies.

Logan makes a fist, "Falsehood. They are probably happy being together. Now leave."

"Wait no, that's not what Remus meant-"

"Please leave," Patton says with a shaky voice.

I sigh and glare at Remus, "This is all your fault." I hiss out.

"Mine? How is it mine?"

"I told you specifically to shut up and let me do the talking and you made everything worse. You know what? I'm finding another ride and going to a hotel."

"What?! No! I can't stand taking care of Roman and Virgil anymore. If one of them talk about killing themselves again, I'm going to kill myself."

"Just go!"

Remus looks hurt and confused, "Fine." He leaves the room and I turn to the other two.

Patton and Logan seem to be lost for words, "I'm sorry you both had to see that. I know you don't like me as much as the other two but if you guys could at least talk to them... I-" I leave the room as I start to cry. Damn it Remus.

I leave the house seeing Remus drive off. I sit down on the sidewalk, "I fucked up."

I feel someone walk behind me and put a weighted blanket on me, I turn around seeing Patton, "Me and Logan finally got over Roman and Virgil... We can help you with your fight."

I nod and he hugs me gently, I bury my face in his shoulder and cry, we then head inside.

Well that worked better than I thought. I'll have to text Remus later and let him know that they think the fight was real. I also need to make sure he didn't take any of that to heart.

I sit down on the bed and Patton asks, "So, did Roman and Virgil cheat on us?"

I shake my head no.

Logan sighs, "I feel bad now."

"Me too," Patton says softly.

"You guys should call or text them. Unless you want to go to Roman's and Remus's."

"We will discuss this more later. For now let's think of something else," Logan states.

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