Well Shit

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Quick authors note and please read! I want to thank you all for supporting this book and all the positive feedback. I honestly didn't think it would have been so positive.

I love reading the comments and seeing the reactions and all the votes. You all have helped me in many ways without knowing it.

Anyways onto the story

- BallofAnxiousness

TW: Self hate, smoking a cigarette, lots of cursing, mentions of suicide attempt, blood, Virgil's body after the attempt which is very descriptive, Logan goes a little crazy.

Janus's POV

"Logan I'm so sorry," I say to the nerd who is sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette.

"Its fine. It's fine... Just fucking fine," Logan had walked out and everyone told me I had fainted when Virgil called me his boyfriend.

Virgil hasn't called me his boyfriend since highschool and that just.... It was overwhelming. I was awful to him and some days I hate myself. Right now, I fucking hate myself!

"He loves you," Logan states. "He fucking loves you." He glares at me as he stands up, "You made him feel like nothing, you cheated on him, you made highschool hell for him. And he loves you! You are nothing but a... A..." He takes a deep breath, "I do not want to see you anymore. Go away."

I nod and mutter another apology as I walk off back to the hospital. Emile, Patton, and Remy are going to take Virgil to his house when he is checked out. Patton will stay with him.

"Jan," Remus says and I notice he is standing in front of me, "Virgil wants you."

I nod and walk in, seeing Virgil in his normal clothes, "Look Babe! The nurse said I could wear my normal clothes."

"That's great. Remus told me you need me," I say keeping it together.

"Oh yeah! I just missed you."

"Oh. That is very sweet."

Virgil looks at me worried, "Babe? What's wrong?"

I feel my face get wet, I wipe away the salty tears, "Logan hates me and I hate myself too."

Patton speaks up, "I'll go talk to Logan."

He walks out and I sit down next to Virgil who hugs me and tells me comforting things.

Remus then walks in, hurt on his face but he quickly hides it, "I brought snacks."

Virgil looks at the food, "Thanks Remus! Come on Babe let's eat."

Remus makes a noise and I don't think much about it. Janus nods but doesn't say anything.

"Virgil, we should talk," I say.

He looks at me worried, "What is it?" He looks at me, those eyes filled with anxiousness and worry.

"I... I... I was worried about you and I'm so happy to see you awake... Sweetheart."

Remus leaves the room after hearing me, Virgil smiles and kisses me, soon we hug. I feel awful, but I can't tell him.

Logan's POV

"He loves Janus. Janus! After everything that asshole did. I am the one who helped him, I made him happy, I did everything! He is supposed to love me!"

Patton flinches at my yelling, "I know but you need to calm down kiddo. Yelling and acting out won't help anyone."

"Really?! That's your main fucking concern?" I grab Patton's shirt and pull him towards me, "He doesn't love me and it's all my fault. He tried killing himself because of me... Maybe he should be with Janus and forget me." I let go of Patton and fall onto the sidewalk, tears falling down my face. "I should have listened."

Patton crouches down and hugs me gently, "There are others to blame. But we can't sit around blaming ourselves. We can only help him now and try fixing all of this."

I nod and hug him back, "I need him."

"I know."

Remus's POV

Roman is sitting next to me in my car, I'm smoking a cigarette while trying not to cry.

"I don't know what to do," I say with a shaky voice.

Roman sighs lightly, "I know. For now, if Janus decides to wait on telling Virgil the truth, just push through it. I know you get jealous but... I don't know."

I look at my brother, "I saw it..."


"I saw his body hit the ground... The bone sticking out of his leg... The blood... I used to like that stuff but now... I can only see Virgil in that state."

Roman nods, I had kept Roman away from Virgil and hidden the view from him. Roman probably wouldn't have been able to stay conscious. So I had to protect him from seeing that. But now that's all I see when I close my eyes.

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