It Hurts

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TW: Hickeys, making out, 'Cheating' and getting caught 'cheating'.

Virgil's POV

Its been a few days and everything is going great. Janus has been visiting me a lot and now I'm gonna go and visit him as a surprise!

Me and Patton drive over to Remus's and Roman's house, I get out of the car and hurry to the door but I stop. There is a green truck that looks like it has gone through a hurricane and tornado. But I'm focused on the people in the truck.

Janus is sitting on Remus's lap, both shirtless, covered in hickeys and other marks. They are both making out, too busy to notice me.

Patton walks up to me, looking where I am and gasps softly. I feel tears sting my eyes, I stomp over, I fail at stomping though due to the cast on my leg, and open the door fast and hard, "What the hell?!"

They both jump and Janus starts to say something, but gets chocked up, "V-Virgil! Shit! Uh, this is- he is- Shit."

Remus looks at me, "I'm sorry Virgil!"

I start to cry and lose it, "You assholes! Your my best friends and boyfriend! I can't believe I ever liked and trusted you!" I go as fast as I can and get into Patton's car.

Wait... Why does this seem familiar? "Ngh!" I grab my head, oh god it hurts! It's like my head is splitting into two. I scream in pain before black splotches cloud my vision. Then everything goes  black.

He cheated on me. I knew that. I was hated. Patton and Remy helped. Logan and Roman they..... Who are they again? The red twin right? The nerd too? Yeah... Yeah!

Roman that damn idiot is my friend. And Logan. Oh God Logan! He is my boyfriend. I love him. I need him.

I open my eyes to a familiar ceiling. I'm in Roman's bed. I look around at the empty room. My gaze lands on the window, they have locks on it now.... Oops.

I sit up and rub my head. Damn this is worse than having a hangover headache.

I sigh and throw my legs over the bed, grabbing my crutches from the side, I have the tendency to not use them and just struggle with walking. But now will be the exception.

I get up and walk out of Roman's room, I hear everyone downstairs.... Why do people hate me? I start trying to go downstairs, slowly and carefully, listening to the voices.

"This is why you should have told him the truth in the first place!" Someone yells, he sounds pissed off.

"I wanted a second chance at ending things on good terms!" Another voice says defensively.

"Guys please stop yelling." A soft says.

"Look, I'm just gonna say it-" A loud voice says.

"Don't." Someone sounds annoyed.

"I'm saying it. Virgil surprised us and I'm a super annoyed about it. Yes me and Jan were about to have-"

"If you don't shut up I won't give you kisses or cuddles for a month."

I hear someone gasp, "Jaaaannn!"

Why can't I put voices to people? I sigh and focus on the stairs, I'm not even halfway there! I roll my eyes and try to go faster, I miss a step and let out a yelp as I fall down the stairs. When I land at the bottom I'm on my back, "Motherfucker."

I see the nerd hurry over to me and help me up, "Virgil are you alright?"

Logan! Wait that's Logan. Is he still mad at me? Does he still think Roman and I dated?"

"Logan... I uh... I'm fine. But I have to tell you the truth, Roman and I never dated please believe me."

"I know. I should have believed you in the first place. I am so very sorry for not believing you and making you-"

I kiss him before he can finish that sentence. He kisses me back and keeps me up on my legs, his arms wrapped around me.

We pull apart for air, "Wow,," I say breathlessly.

He chuckles, "Are you better now?"

I nod, "Yeah. I'm sorry for forgetting we were dating. I hope it wasn't too much of a mess."

Remus speaks up, "I wanted to kill you."


We share a laugh. Janus speaks up, "I'm sorry for not telling you Virgil. I was going to end things and try to be on good terms. I couldn't bring myself to hurt you again."

"Eh, it's fine. I'm better now. Though, I smell cookies."

Patton jumps up, "Roman let's get the cookies!"

Roman smiles, "Will do love."

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