Hospital Trip

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Logan's POV

Three hours. Three, long, excruciating, hours. I'm sitting in the waiting room next to Janus who hasn't spoken to anyone since we arrived. Remus is sitting on the other side of him. Patton and Roman across from us. Patton is sobbing as Roman is trying to calm him.

Remy comes in and walks over to us, "Have they told us anything?"

I shake my head. He sighs and sits down in the empty chair next to Roman, he holds his head in his hands.

After a while a nurse walks over, "Are any of you related to Virgil Stone?"

Remy jumps up, "I am. Is he okay?"

The nurse grabs his elbow gently and leads him away, they talk for a while, then Remy gets taken down the hall.

Remy's POV

I get taken from the group and taken to a hallway. The nurse speaks in a gentle, soft tone, "What is your relationship with Virgil?"

"I'm his older brother. Our parents are out of the state for work," I explain, holding back tears.

"Okay," she writes something down on the clipboard, "He woke up about ten minutes ago. He wants to see you... Remy?"

I nod, "Yeah I'm Remy."

"Okay, follow me please. I should warn you though, he may have memory loss, he has a broken leg and we can't tell what damage was done mentally."

I nod as the pit grows in my stomach, and follow, we go to room 230. I see Virgil on a bed, hooked up to machines. He has bandages on his head, a cast on his left leg, and looks really out of it.

The nurse speaks up, "Usually it takes longer for someone to wake up. We had to increase the medicine."

I nod and slowly walk over to Virgil, "Virgil?"

He looks at me but it looks like he is looking right through me, "R-Remy...?"

"Yeah. Its me," I grab his hand lightly.

"I...It... Hurts."

"I know, I know." My face feels wet, I wipe away the tears.

"I-I want... Momma and daddy."

He hasn't called them that since he was a kid. I fall onto my knees staying next to the bed. I listen to him fall asleep.

The nurse stayed by the door, she walks over to me and sets a hand on my shoulder, "He needs more sleep. I promise he will be taken care of. He is in good hands here."

I hug her and she hugs me back, "He needed me and I wasn't there."

"Its okay. He will be fine."

Logan's POV

After a while, Remy comes back wearing his sunglasses. Emile walks in and rushes over to him, hugging Remy immediately.

They join us and Patton asks, "How is he?" He sniffles.

"He was awake for a bit but fell asleep." He sits down, "You boys should leave. You all have your own lives."

We all disagree.

We all go silent until Remy starts crying and Emile hugs him, "I should have stopped him from moving out."

Emile shakes his head, "You tried."

"I should have tried harder."

Roman asks, "Why did he move out?"

Remy wipes his eyes, "He uh... We..." He clears his throat, "We got a surrogate. Me and Emile. We didn't tell Virgil until afterwards and he got mad. We started to fight and for a week everything was tense. So he moved out and we haven't talked since."

I nod as he talks, we all congratulate them before Remus, Roman, and Janus leave. Emile is next to leave. Which makes me, Patton, and Remy the only three to stay. Though after a couple hours Patton went home.

Remy and I stayed, both of us wishing for Virgil to be okay. I can't lose him.

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