A Break or Break up?

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Logan's POV

Two days later

I'm at Roman's old house with Roman. His mom was very happy to see us again. Remus still lives here but is out with some friends.

Roman looks at me from his bed since he is making it while I sit at his desk and work on my computer, "Logan are you okay?"

I glance at him for a second before looking back at my laptop, "I could be better. I will be fine though. I just need some time."

"Okay well... I'm gonna get us some food real quick. Be right back," Roman said as he set down the pillows and left the room.

I haven't talked to Virgil since we had that fight. Patton and Roman still talk though. It just makes me so mad that Virgil knows someone is flirting with him and doesn't do anything about it! It's like he wants to make me mad. We both agreed to take a break from each other. At least until we are both calmed down.

Roman comes backs in with two plates and a Gatorade for himself and a bottle of water for me. I take a plate and see that there is a burger and fries on it.

"Thank you Roman," I say before I start eating.

He answers with a mouth full of food, "Your welcome."

We eat our food in peace and I focus back on my schoolwork. I shouldn't get behind on classes.

Virgil's POV

Patton has been staying with me at my house and while he talks to Roman, he doesn't tell me much about Logan, which I don't mind. I really don't care what he does.

I sit down on the couch with Patton who is eating a cupcake. I have a neighbor who is in her early 70s. She makes me cupcakes at times and brings them over. She is the sweetest person that I know and her cupcakes always taste the best.

I take a blue frosted one and start to eat it, "I'm going to talk to Dmitri tomorrow. I will tell him that he needs to stop flirting with me and that he made me and Logan fight. If he decides to keep flirting I'll fire him. And if keeps going after that... I don't know what to do."

Patton swallows his bite before speaking, "Logan will get involved. He loves you and if your showing him that you are trying to stop Dmitri, then he will help."

I nod hesitantly, "I hope your right about that."

"I know I'm right."

We eat a couple more cupcakes before closing the white box and setting it down on one of the counters. We go to the bathroom to brush our teeth, which is hard since it's small and we are kinda cramped.

Patton asks me as he brushes his teeth, "How come you moved out? This house is so small. No offense kiddo."

I spit into the sink, "Its fine. I know it sucks but I couldn't handle leaving with Remy and Emile. I don't really wanna talk about it right now though. I already have enough going on with Logan and Dmitri."

"Ah, I understand. Well let's get to bed."

I nod and go to my room as Patton goes to the living room. I feel bad that he is sleeping on the couch so I invite him to sleep in my bed with me. He accepts happily and we go to bed.

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