Revenge Bitch pt. 2

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Content Warnings:
Virgil seduces Dmitri
Heated scene, not really smut just kissing and bodies pushing aganist each other

Virgil's POV

I arrive at Dmitri's house. I had texted him that I broke up with Logan and needed company. He believed me. The group is nearby, scattered around and one by one or in small groups doing which one is easier, they will sneak into his house while I distract him. I hope this works.

I knock on the door and quickly Dmitri answers. He has a white tank top on, black shorts, and his hair is kind of messy.

He smiles at me, looking me up and down. I'm wearing a black top, plaid black and purple skirt, black shoes, and some makeup.

"Come on in," his voice is filled with sweetness but there is a hint of lust that I didn't miss. Perfect.

I walk in and see a leather couch, a fireplace in the wall with a flat screen tv over it that is attached to the wall, the kitchen off to the side with stool chairs at the counter, many cabinets, marble white counters, then there is a door closed off to the side and some stairs heading to the second floor.

I sit down on the couch next to Dmitri, "Why did you come here?"

I shrug, "I lost everyone.... But you seem to care about me."

"That's because I do. Would you like something to drink?"


Dmitri hands me a cup of alcohol.

"Thanks," I mumble.

Dmitri nods and takes a sip of his drink. "I knew Logan was an awful boyfriend and you deserved better."

I nod, then see Remus and Janus opening the window and coming inside. I looked back at Dmitri, "Your very attractive."

He looks taken aback. "Oh, thank you."

"Your welcome. Could you get me some more to drink please?"

He nods and leaves the room going to the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle. "Here ya go."

"Thanks, cutie."

He blushes and I smile, got him. I just need to make sure he is around my finger. Patton and Logan get to the window. Roman following close behind them.

"What are you looking at," he asks, turning to the window.

I grab his chin lightly and kiss him, I'm sorry Logan. I didn't want you to see this. But we need this to work.

Dmitri kisses me back, pulling me onto his lap, shit. I close my eyes, not bring able to look at him.

Logan's POV

I stop walking seeing them kiss. I know it's just to get us past Dmitri but. Roman grabs my arm gently, he pulls me upstairs with him and Patton.

We find Dmitri's bedroom where Janus and Remus are already setting up everything.

"How are things downstairs," Janus asks, whispering.

"Uh, good," Patton answers.

Remus raises a brow, "Did something happen?"

Roman mouths something and the two make a face of realization.

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