The Kiss

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Patton's POV

Virgil went to work and he didn't tell me much about how yesterday went. He only said that they talked and Dmitri was fired. Though something was bothering him, I just don't know what, I hope he opens up to me. He always wants to face his problems alone and I wish I could tell him I will help him, well I do, but he never listens.

I get pulled from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door, I open it and see Dmitri standing there.

"Why are you here," I ask, "Sorry if that came out rude." I added quickly.

Dmitri waves it off, "Don't worry I know how you feel about me. But I want to show you something. Virgil and Roman threatened me to stay quiet about it but its wrong."

I raise a brow as he pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of... ROMAN AND VIRGIL KISSING?!

"That can't be real," my voice cracks, "When?"

"I caught them yesterday when I entered the building to work. He fired me when he knew I saw the kiss. I couldn't stay quiet about it any longer."

I feel tears sting my eyes and they fall quickly, "C-can you send me the picture please?"

He nods and I give him my number, soon recieving the picture. I thank him then head over to Roman's.

He better have a good reason for this.

Logan's POV

"Depending on the day, weather, time, and some other conditions I say that the chance of actually witnessing a-" I'm interrupted when I hear Roman's mom call for us.

Roman and me walk downstairs and head to the door seeing a crying Patton. Roman rushes over and I follow.

"Patton, what happened," Roman asked worried.

Patton ignores Roman and looks at me, shoving his phone in my face. I see the screen, Roman and Virgil are kissing.

Patton speaks between sobs, "This happened yesterday."

Roman looks at the screen and immediately starts talking, "That is not what it looks like! I know it is me kissing Virgil but we-"

"SHUT UP," I yell. "I don't need excuses! Patton, let's go someplace else." I storm out of the house with Patton by my side, ignoring Roman yelling after us.

Virgil's POV

I finally get home and notice Patton's car isn't in the driveway and Patton is gone. There is no note, no nothing. I call him but he doesn't answer so I call him a few more times before texting him. After not getting an answer I call Roman, maybe they are hanging out.

He picks up the phone and I hear sniffling, "Virgil, that bastard ruined everything."

"What happened? Who," I ask confused and worried. What happened?

"Dmitri showed P-Patton the picture and he showed Logan... T-They think we are cheating on them. I-I tried to explain but they just wouldn't listen." He starts sobbing.

I feel like someone grabbed my throat and someone is pushing my chest, making it hard to breath, "I'm coming over." I state.

I get in my car and drive to his house, doing my best not to break down and cry. He ruined everything and it's all my fault.

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