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Virgil's POV

I finish the man's tattoo after a bit and as he is paying me he speaks up after we have been silent during the entire interaction.

He sets the money onto the counter, "So, what's your name?"

I count the money, "Virgil."

"What a nice name. I'm Dmitri."

He grabs my hand and kisses it. I pull my hand away, "I have a boyfriend."

He nods, "Right sorry. Someone as gorgeous as you would. He is a lucky man. I bet you two always get along and spend time together."

I put the money in the cash register, "Uh, yeah.... Have a good day."

"Wait, Virgil, does he not hang out with you?"

I feel like someone is squeezing my heart, "He is out of the state."

"Ah. I see. Well if I was your boyfriend, I would never leave your side." He caresses my cheek.

I move back, "Have a good day. Please leave."

"Right. Forgive me." He then leaves and I sit down on the floor feeling very uncomfortable.

I grab my phone and call Logan. When he doesn't answer I call him again and again. I give up after the 8th time and call Remy who also doesn't answer. I stay sitting on the floor for a few hours until one of my employees find me and talk to me, comforting me.

After that I go home and take a long shower. I lay down and check my phone but still no text or call from Logan. I sigh and set my phone on the bedside table, plugging it in so it charges and then I lay down. After a while I fall asleep.

Time skip

I hear my phone ringing and I grab it. Logan's calling me at three in the morning. I answer it.

"Hey," I say sleepy.

"Greetings. Did I wake you," he asks.

"Yeah but don't worry about it. What's up?"

"I saw you had called me numerous times. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. There was just some creepy guy at work today that got my anxiety acting up. Don't worry though an employee helped me."

"I see. I'm glad your safe and I am sorry for not answering the phone. I was working and we are not allowed on our phones."

"Its fine, I get it. I miss you."

"I miss you as well."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We talk for a few more minutes before hanging up so I can go back to sleep. I end up sleeping better than I have for a while.

I'm sorry the chapter is short! I plan on making the chapters longer!

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