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Logan's POV

I have informed all of my professors that I had an emergency and needed to go home. I also told them that I would still do my work online to keep up. I just need to be with family. I am glad they all believe me and are kind about it.

Roman has been driving us for a couple of hours now. He has not told Patton about this so he can be suprised as well as Virgil. I look out the window and see that Remy is outside in front of the house. We pull into the driveway.

I get out of the car and walk over to him, "Greetings Remy."

Remy smiles at us, "Hey babes. What are you two doing here?"

Roman answered, "We wanted to surprise everyone! Is Virgil home?"

"Oh, that's sweet and Virgil moved out a couple weeks ago. Sorry. Me and Emile live here now and our parents are never home so it's like it's our house."

I nod, "I see. Virgil never told me that..."

Remy grabbed his phone, "I'll send you his address. Do you still have my number Logan?"

I nod, "Yes. I haven't changed my number either."


I hear a beep and check my phone, seeing a text from Remy which is Virgil's address. I put it into Roman's GPS, "Let's go. Thank you Remy and it was a pleasure seeing you again."

Remy waves at us as Roman gets into his car, "No prob babes. Visit anytime."

I nod and we start driving to the destination. Roman looks at me from the side, "So the Emo Nightmare really didn't tell you he moved out?"

I look out the window, "No. I understand that he may have forgotten to inform me."

Roman nods, but I know he doesn't believe it. I think he is still surprised that Virgil and I are still dating. Though I know that we have no reason to break up.

I lean back into the seat and hold back a sigh. I'm slightly annoyed and bothered. I won't make a big deal over it though.

We arrive at a small house that has a small garden in the front. It's painted white and the door is grey. There are two windows at the front of the house. I get out of the car with Roman and go to the door. Roman knocks before I can.

We hear voices and the door opens to Virgil who looks confused and Patton who looks curious. They both freeze seeing us.

Roman smiles, "Hey emo and my lovely prince."

Patton runs to Roman and hugs him, kissing him, Roman returns the gestures. Virgil hugs me and I hug him back. I kiss him on the lips gently and smile.

Virgil asks, "What are you doing here? I- You have school. This- This is great!"

I chuckle, "Roman has his ways. I'm glad to see you again."

Virgil nods and gives me a quick kiss, "Come on in. Me and Patton were just talking."

I nod and we all walk into Virgil's house. The kitchen is small, only consisting of a refrigerator, microwave, sink, and a few counters. The living room has a brown couch and small tv, then there are two doors down the small hallway. One leading to a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, and small shower. The other door is closed and I can only assume that it is his bedroom.

Virgil speaks up, "Its small I know but I spend most of my time at work."

"It is nice," I said as I sat down, Virgil sitting down next to me.

I wrap my arm around Virgil who leans into me. Roman and Patton are talking and being affectionate.

We spend the day talking and catching up, its nice being able to see and hold Virgil. I missed this. I missed all of this.

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