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Warnings: The word 'Whore' is used but in a joking manner

Virgil's POV

Drinks, food, music, friends, everything is great! I'm sitting on Logan's lap, Roman and Patton next to us, Patton is sitting on Roman's lap, and Remus and Janus are sitting on the floor.

Remus speaks up first, "That was fun. Can you guys get in trouble more?"

I shake my head, "No. Plus I don't think anyone would try flirting with one of us again. Right Logan?"

Logan has an uneasy face before nodding, "Correct."

"Logan, you seemed to have been hesitant," I point out. "You can tell me if something or someone is bothering you."

Logan kisses my hand, "It is nothing that you need to worry about."


Janus says, "You know, your group is indestructible. Sure you have hard times but you manage to get by."

Remus nods, "Yeah and if your lucky you might get a kiss or so out if the situation."

"How is that lucky," I ask.

"Remember how it felt when I kissed you," Remus asked seductively.

I roll my eyes, "I like kissing Logan better."

Roman gasps, "Wait."

Patton looks at him worried, "Are you okay?"

"Virgil has kissed everyone in this room," he explained.

I go red, "I didn't even want to kiss three of you!"

Remus looks confused, "What? When?'

I sigh, "Patton and I accidentally kissed on the lips one time, then there was me dating Janus, then you kissed me, then I am dating Logan, and I got pushed and accidentally kissed Roman."

Remus laughs, "Your a kissing whore!"

Logan sighs, "And you Remus, are a whore. You take anything you can get."

Remus laughs, "True! Right Jan?"

Janus face palms with a sigh. He then shoved some chips in Remus's mouth to shut him up.

I lean aganist Logan, "I'm glad we can all get along again. I was worried with how things were."

Roman and Patton nod, Patton says, "I was too. When you were in the hospital I thought that was it..."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry to you all... I just- Everything was-"

"It is all okay now," Logan hugs me and kisses me gently. "I love you and we all forgive you."

I start to cry and hug him tightly, "I'm sorry. I love you too and care about you all."

We then put on a movie and watch it together. Roman and Patton singing the songs, Remus catching the inappropriate jokes, Janus humming to a few songs, Logan pointing out everything that is not logical, and me not getting involved and just eating some snacks.

After that I get a text from Remy.

Remy ☕:
Hey babes. Are you able to talk?

Virgil 😈:
Hey and yeah. What's up?

Remy ☕:
I know that you don't like the idea of me and Emile getting a surrogate. But we already got the paper work and everything done. If you would like to meet the woman she will be at the house tomorrow.

Virgil 😈:
Oh. Well I'm happy you guys are doing what you want. I'm sorry making such a big deal about it. What time will she be there?

Remy ☕:
It's all water under the bridge now. Don't worry about it anymore babes. She will be here around four.

Virgil 😈:
Ok. I should be able to make it. Are you sure you want me there though? I said some things when we last talked about this and I should apologize to you and Emile.

Remy ☕:
Of course we want you there. Stop worrying, we miss you and if you want to move back in with us you can. I have to go. But see you tomorrow babes. Can't wait.

Virgil 😈:
Ok. See ya tomorrow.

I put the phone down as Roman puts on another movie. I guess we are having a movie marathon.

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