Patton and Virgil Back Together Again

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Patton's POV

It's been a few weeks and I now have time to go and see my family and friends. I can't wait to see Virgil after so long. It's a surprise visit though! Well for Virgil at least. My family already knows that I am coming back from Florida.

I'm driving there right now actually! Since someone at the college did uh... Well they set a urinal on fire which caused part of the building to get caught on fire and a lot of damage, they sent us all home until the damages can be fixed but we still have to do our work online which I'm done with.

I arrive in town and go to my parents house first. We talk for a few hours then I go to Virgil's tattoo shop. I heard so much about it from my parents.

I see the sign says open and I walk in. I see Virgil talking to someone who goes to the back room. Virgil looks at my direction and goes wide eyed.

"Patton," he yelled and ran towards me, wrapping me into a hug.

"Kiddo," I yell back and hug him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see my favorite kiddo and bff."

He smiles wide, "I'm so happy your here. Let me show you around!"

"I can't wait to see everything that you've done!"

It takes a little over an hour for him to show me everything. They have huge mirrors on the walls with lights on the top in front of the black leather seats, pictures of tattoos that you can get, and they even have a menu for some food and drinks. Though it's more snack food than an actual meal.

We sit down in two of the seats, Virgil has been smiling the entire time that I've been here and I have as well. I missed him so very much.

"So kiddo, everything seems to be going great," I say as I look at him.

"Thanks Patton," he says, "I've been trying to keep everything together. It was difficult at first but Logan gave me some advice and ideas then I got some interviews set up and everything is just going better than I have ever imagined."

"That's wonderful to hear! I've been so busy with schoolwork that I haven't been able to talk to you or the others. But I'm so happy that we can hang out now!"

"Me too. Actually the shop closes in about twenty minutes. If you don't mind waiting would you stay here until then? We can go do something afterwards."

I perk up as excitement grows inside of me, "That would be great! I'll stay here."

He stands up, "Cool. I have to check inventory though so be back in a second."

I nod and watch him walk off to the backroom. I can't believe how much my kiddo has changed. He makes me feel old. I lean back into the seat as I think about everything. He has changed and grown, I wonder if Logan has too. And Roman, especially Roman. We talk when we can but I wish we could see each other in person. Maybe one day.

I get pulled out of my thoughts by someone shaking me lightly. I shake my head and look at Virgil.

"What," I ask, snapping out of my thoughts and seeing Virgil in front of me, hands on my shoulders.

"I got everything taken care of and one of my workers offered to finish for me so we can leave. Are you okay," he asks with worry in his tone.

"I'm perfectly fine! I was just thinking about some stuff," I stand up which a huge smile on my face, "Let's go have some fun and catch up!"

He nods and we leave the building, heading to an ice cream place that I missed so much! It's called, Ice Palace and they let you mix whatever ice cream flavors you want and put any toppings that you want. One day I remember the worker telling us that some guy ordered a rocky road with hot sauce and pickles on it. I threw up and Virgil was grossed out but not as much as me.

We go inside and Virgil orders cookie dough ice cream with chocolate syrup and m&ms, while I order chocolate with brownie pieces and rainbow sprinkles.

We sit down and start eating as we catch up. This is so nice!

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