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I arrive at Remy's and Emile's, both of them greeting me when I get there. I head inside and immediately apologize to them which they forgive me and we all move on from that.

After a while the person comes. Remy let's her inside and I hear the three talking... Wait a minute that voice. I know her voice but where have I heard it.

"Emile, Remy. I brought papers of my medical history, some advice I have gotten online, and I also have some other things just in case. I'm so happy you both picked me."

"Of course we would pick you. It's been so long since we have time to hang out when school is out and we don't have to do work," Emile says.

When school is out? Does that mean she works at the school?

"I agree. But this will be very nice."

Remy speaks up, "Come in the living room. Virgil is here and waiting."

"Virgil is here! Oh, he was one of my favorite students. I remember him and his friend group."

Wait! I stand up and turn around, words going wide. It can't be.

"Mrs. Kim," I say shocked.

"Hello Virgil! Its great to see you after two years."

We catch up and then the three talk about baby stuff. Its pretty boring. Anyways once they finish I talk to Mrs. Kim for a couple of minutes before she has to leave.

I turn to Emile and Remy, "I should leave as well. I'm glad Mrs. Kim will be your surrogate."

Emile nods but looks at Remy. Remy stands up, "Actually before you go. I uh... I was wondering if you would like to move back in with us."


"Its just, we miss you and your house is so small and its just... Please."

I think for a second before nodding, "I will. I'll start packing."

Life is Lame - AnalogicalWhere stories live. Discover now