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Quick authors note. I was going to make everything better I promise. But I uh, I had this bottle with a liquid in it named angst. And I uh, knocked it over and yeah. Its messy.

Enjoy the chapter.

Virgil's POV

I open my eyes to a bright ceiling and the beeping of the heart monitor. I sit up and groan, pressing a button. There was a label over it but I couldn't read the words.

Soon a bronze skin woman walks in with brown, braided hair, she sees me and smiles, "Glad to see you awake, Virgil."

I grip the cover, "W-who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm your nurse. Can you tell me how you feel?"

"Sleepy... Numb... Hungry?"

"Okay. She then hands me a card, "Oh and your friends got you a card."

I grab it and open it.

Feel better soon Virgil! We miss you!
Remy, Emile, Logan, Patton, Roman, Remus, and Janus.

"I uh... What does it say?"

The nurse's face flattens for a second, "Oh uh... it says feel better soon Virgil, we miss you. And everyone signed it."

I grab the card and smile a little.

"I'm going to run some tests on you and then I'll have someone inform your brother. He missed you a lot."

I nod and we start the test.

Remy's POV

I got the call and everyone arrives at the hospital together. The nurse walks over to us.

"You all are here for Virgil Stone," she states.

I nod, "I want to see him."

"You will but... You need to know something. All of you. He uh... He can't read and has been mixing up things. He gets his right and left mixed up, he can't name more than ten states, and he seems to have forgotten how to do basic things. Such as counting higher then ten and some other things. I'm sorry."

I nod and Emile hugs me, "I need to see him."

She nods and leads us all to him. We walk into the room where Virgil is sitting on the bed with a children's toy. It's the shapes going into the box that you have to match them.

"Virgil," I ask.

He looks up and smiles, "Remy!"

I walk over to him and we hug. I kiss his forehead, "Your awake."

Virgil's POV

I nod and look at everyone else. "Wait no one say anything." I hum and the nurse stays in the doorway.

I look at the person next to Remy, "Mr. Picani." He nods. I turn to the next person, "Patton." He smiles and says yes. I look at the next one, "Janus." He nods. I look at the next person, "Logan." He let's out a sigh of relief and nods.

But then... I look at the twins. "Uh... The one in green is Roman and the one in red is Remus?"

The one in red groans, "You really know how to hurt me emo."

The one in green gags, "Oh god no. I'm nothing like Roman."

I nod, "So the red one is Roman and green one is Remus?"

"Yes!" They both answer.

Logan walks over to me, "I'm sorry for fighting. I want to talk to you more about everything when you feel better."

"We fought?"


"About what?"

"I was jealous that Dmitri was flirting with you. I thought you stopped loving me."

"Um... What?"

Logan looks at me, his face unreadable, "Virgil what am I to you?"

"Weird question. But your my friend."

Everyone is watching us and staying quiet, Patton speaks up. "Kiddo that's not right. Logan is your boyfriend."

I shake my head, "No. Janus is my boyfriend."

I hear a thud and turn around to see Janus had fainted.

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