The Concert

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Logan's POV

I get dressed in what Virgil told me was emo. I put on a black shirt, black jeans, black leather fingerless gloves, and some black makeup. I brush my hair and head to the living room seeing Roman and Patton dressed emo.

Patton is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a light blue skirt, blue shoes, black nail polish, and some black and light blue makeup.

Roman is wearing a black crop top with a red R on it, black jeans, black boots, red and black makeup, he also has black leather fingerless gloves.

Virgil comes home and enters the house, "I got the tickets." He holds them up with a smile.

"Yay," Patton cheers happily, "I'm so excited!"

Roman chuckles and kisses Patton, "You look adorable but black definitely isn't your color."

Patton giggles, "Thanks Ro. Red is definitely is your color."

Virgil coughs to get our attention, "Also, Dmitri is in his car. He offered to drive us all there."

"That's nice of him, let's go," Patton said happily, already running out.

Roman and I follow, Roman leans over whispering, "We can take my car."

I nod, I walk over to the black car, going to the drivers window, "We appreciate the offer for the ride but Roman would like to drive Patton there."

Roman didn't say anything about me not going with him, he just nods as he says, "I want to take my adorable boyfriend there."

The sliver haired boy nods, "Understandable. So the bubbly one is Patton?"

Roman nods, "Yeah and I'm Roman and this is Logan. Virgil's boyfriend."

He nods, "Nice to meet you all. I'm Dmitri." He smiles.

"Nice to meet you," I say, being nice.

"Come on in."

I sit down in the back with Virgil, wrapping my arm around him as we buckle up and he leans on me.

We start driving to the concert talking about topics that are of little to no importance.


Logan's POV

We arrive at the concert and the entire ride here Dmitri has been flirting with Virgil, he was being sly about it though. I noticed but Virgil didn't.

We leave the car and meet up with the other two. I whisper to Roman what Dmitri was doing and Roman made some unpleasant comments.

We get some food and head to the stage which lucky us we got front row seat tickets. We get there and after a while the band starts to play.

Dmitri sings along and dances a bit, then Virgil dances, grabbing my hand to try to get me to join but I decline by shaking my head. Patton and Roman joins in though. Dmitri grabs Virgil's hand and pulls him towards him and then dance, jumping around and laughing. I feel something burn inside me and I grab Virgil, pulling him to me.

Virgil looks at me confused and I kiss him. He kisses back, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders and his other arm around my waist. I hold his sides.

We pull apart after a while, Virgil smiles brightly and I notice the other two still dancing. I spend the night dancing with Virgil to keep Dmitri away.

Virgil's POV

Ugh. My head is killing me. What time is it?

I open my eyes and see I'm home. I grab my phone and see that its 11:38. I sigh and get up, Logan is by my side.

"You got drunk," he states.

I lean on him, "Oh."

"Dmitri challenged you to a drink off after the concert while I was in the restroom. I came back to Roman and Patton worried about you. Why did you do that?"

I groan, "To have fun. Now let me get rid of this headache before you interrogate me."

"He flirted with you all night, Virgil."

"But I didn't flirt back and you kissed me and I kissed back. He knows we are dating," Virgil explains.

"But he proceeded to fight for your attention."

"Because he wants to be our friend and me and you were inseparable."

I stand up, getting off the bed, "Your my boyfriend! You cannot let another man flirt with you!"

"Don't yell at me! I can have friends and Roman is flirty!"

"He quit flirting with others once he started to date Patton!"

"Well then- Dmitri- You should- Fuck off! I don't need this."

Logan growls and leaves the room. I sit down on my bed and sigh as I start to silently cry. What is wrong with me?

I just want to say that I'm super excited for the upcoming chapters. Y'all wanted angst and you shall receive it.

Have a good day/night!

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