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TW: Mentions of Suicidal thoughts, starving oneself, mentions of being forced to eat, Remus being Remus

Virgil's POV

It's been a couple of days since Patton and Logan stopped talking to us. Janus is coming here today and will help us with a revenge plan for later and then a plan to talk to Patton and Logan.

I haven't left Roman's house since I came over, Remus has been taking care of us and his parents understand so they have no problem with us crashing here.

Remus walks into Roman's room, "Janus will be here soon, you two need to get cleaned up, it smells like something died in here."

Roman raises his head up from the pillow he is cuddling, "Something did die."

I speak up, my voice muffled from the bedsheets and mattress, "We died."

Remus sighs lightly, "I'm gonna be back in a minute. Don't kill yourse-... Uh... Nevermind..." he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I look at Roman, "He was going to tell us to not kill ourselves, right?"

Roman nods, "Yeah. But death sounds good right now."

I nod agreeing with him, "Maybe we could."

He looks at me, "But what about Patton and Logan?"

"Logan probably won't care if I did it... But Patton... Forget it. We could never do that to them even if they do hate us."

Roman sighs and looks at the digital clock on his bedside table, "We should at least try to look alive. Janus will be here soon."

I nod but we make no movements to get up. I try telling my body to move but it's so heavy. Maybe starving myself wasn't the smartest, I know Roman barley eats but I don't eat. Until Remus shoves food in my mouth.

I hear a knock at the door and muffled voices of an excited Remus. Soon the bedroom door opens and Janus and Remus come in.

Janus walks over to us, "Hey guys...Uh... Man it smells like Remus's room in here minus the expired food and his uh..."

Remus finishes Janus's thought, "My towels for when I masturba-"

"Ewww Remus," Roman groans, hiding his face.

I look at Janus, "They hate us."

Janus sits down next to me and pets my head, "I know. Remus told me everything and we are going to fix this. Don't worry. That asshole will get what's coming to him."

I feel a little better now. I nod and cuddle up to him, Janus holds me close.

Logan's POV

"That's enough ice cream for me," I state, setting down the empty tub of ice cream onto Patton's table.

His mom gave us a lot of ice cream, some more chocolate chip cookies, some actual healthy food after I asked for some, and a lot of comforting tactics.

Patton looks at me, he has been slowly feeling better, same as me, "Logan, should we try to get out of the house today?"

I nod, "Yeah. We can do something small first. Like walk around the neighborhood."

He nods and gets up, grabbing some clean clothes and I do the same. Soon we both are dressed and ready to head outside.

His mother wishes us a nice walk as we walk out the front door. The walk is pleasant and quiet, it doesn't take long since the neighborhood isn't that big and we head back inside the house.

We may have been betrayed but we should not dwell on it. We need to move on.

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