The End

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Virgil's POV

I'm all dressed up for my date with Logan. I have one a long sleeved purple shirt with black jeans, my black and purple jacket, and my combat boots.

"Virgil, Logan is here," Remy yells from the front door.

"Coming," I yell as I leave the room.

I make it to the door and see Logan standing there wearing a dark blue and black suit.

God he is so hot. "Hey Logan."

"Hello Virgil, are you ready to go," he asks.

I look at myself then Logan, "I feel underdressed."

Logan chuckles, "Do not worry about it. I always overdress anyways. Are you ready to go?"

I nod, "Yeah, I'm ready."

We go out to his car and Logan drives us to a restaurant. We get to it and head inside. There are stars that light up on the walls, different shades of blue, and the carpet is black. The music is live and being played in a stage.

We get seated at a table and menus are handed to us. Logan orders sweet tea and food for himself. I order a soda and some food. When the waitress leaves I look at Logan.

"I'm very underdressed," I whisper.

"It is alright. I should have told you where we are eating, but you look perfect."

I blush, looking away. Our food arrives and we eat, then once we finish eating we go for a walk around the park which is lit up.

Logan and I stay quiet but end up going to a gazebo that is there. Logan seems a little nervous.

"Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."

"I'm alright. I just, need to ask you something."

I start to get worried, "Okay... What is it?"

"It is nothing bad. Don't get worried." Logan grabs my hands, "I just, I love you so much. You are beautiful, kind, when you get annoyed and make that mad face you look cute, when you laugh I feel what people would call butterflies in my stomach, everything you do makes me fall in love with you all over again, and I just..." Logan gets down on one knee, pulling out a ring box.

"Logan..." I say softly.

"Virgil, will you marry me?"

I nod, "Yes! Of course I will!"

Logan hugs me and we kiss. He puts the ring on my hand, and I start to cry tears of joy.

"I love you," I kiss him.

"I love you too."

No one's POV

A couple months later when Logan was finished with classes and friends and family were able to attend, the wedding was set and ready.

Roman and Logan were in one room and Patton, Remy and Virgil were in another room. Logan went out to the alter, waiting for Virgil.

Remy finishes with the veil, looking at Virgil with tears in his eyes, "I can't believe that your getting married."

Virgil tears up as well, "I know. I never thought I would be here."

Patton hugs Virgil, being careful not to ruin the outfit, "I'm so happy for you kiddo." She starts to cry.

Virgil hugs him back before handing him a tissue, "I know you are."

The music starts and Remy covers my face with the veil, "Go steal his heart all over again."

Virgil chuckles, "I will."

Patton leaves the room and goes to find Roman, as Remy grabs Virgil's arm and they start walking out of the room.

Logan looks at them, he was wearing a black and dark blue suit. He thought Virgil was going to wear a suit as well since they talked about it. But Virgil was wearing the top of a suit that is purple and black and the bottom half is long and purple. He walks out and Logan freezes seeing the outfit.

Remy whispers to Virgil, "You couldn't have picked anyone better...Well other than Emile but he's mine so hands off."

Virgil laughs but it is quiet, "Remy this is serious, don't make me laugh."

"Sorry. But I am really happy for you," he smiles at his brother.

"Thanks," Virgil let go of his brother's arm when they got to Logan.

Virgil was doing his best not to cry but it was hard. Logan made highschool bearable and so much better. He made life so much better.

Logan was struggling with not crying, he was happy to be here. After dealing with those problems in school and his parents, he could be happy.

When it comes to the objections, Virgil gets nervous, but when no one says anything Logan pulls up the veil. They smile at each other.

"Wait," someone yells.

Virgil freezes and Logan looks at who yelled. Patton and Roman glare at them, Emile has to hold Remy back, and Janus and Remus are about to attack.

"What are you doing here," Logan asks.

Logan's father walks towards Logan, Logan hides Virgil behind him.

"I'm here because I deserve to be," he stated. "I raised you and my money when into this wedding!"

"What," Virgil asks confused and shocked.

Logan glares at his father, "Falsehood! You are just trying to ruin this! Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Because you don't deserve it," His father yells.

Virgil's POV

I can't listen to this. This was supposed to be our perfect day. I grab Logan's hand, "With all die respect, Logan hasn't spoke to you since highschool. If you wanted to talk to him, this is the place or time."

"Shut up! What do you know," he yells at, me taking a step towards me.

Logan keeps me behind him, "Don't get closer. Leave."

"Excuse me? I'm your father!"

"No your not! Now leave!"

He looks hurt but then looks pissed off. He leaves the building and Roman yells, "Let's get back to the wedding. They still need to marry."

Remus yells, "We shouldn't make them wait longer for their honeymoon. They probably wanna fu-" Janus covers his mouth.

I blush and roll my eyes. Logan looks at me, looking embarrassed and annoyed.

"I an so sorry," Logan says.

"Don't be. Let's get married."

We continue on and when we kiss, it feels surreal and I love everything about it. I'm so happy I start to cry.

The End.

Thanks so much for reading this and I hope you all liked it! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. This is the end of the story and I have others I'm working on.

Have a good day/night!

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