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I stand with my silver dress and long natural curly hair and watch as people pass the doors of Kate's house. Riley laughs at something Toby says and we all walk in together. The floors were a white shiny marble. There was a large hanging chandelier with crystals that looked like they were dripping ready to hit the floor. There was a big magnificent stair case one that reminded me of the one in the Princess Diaries. Everything was black, white, mirrors, silver, and glamorous. On either side when you walk away there is a huge arch that lead into two separate larger entertaining rooms. Kate and her big inky black wavy hair shows up at the head of the stair case and you can see her grey eyes sparkling from all the way down here. Behind her is one large french window and you can see the moonlight from outside.
She shrieks "You came!" she says and gracefully but quickly descends the staircase in her high heels. I smile.
"Ya, I wouldn't miss it" I say. When I reach out to embrace her my bangles jingle. She pulls back to smile.
"You did your hair natural today. Long thick wild curls I see" she says and I reach for my hair defensively.
"You don't like it?" i ask and she waves.
"Oh my god no! I've always wanted hair like that!' she says and goes on to great Riley. The silver glitter on my dress sparkles in the white light of Kate's house. She had a gold dress with a sweetheart neckline long angel sleeves and it hit right above her knees. She had on jet black glossy pumps and dripping earrings. She's so glamorous. I had a long silver gown that reminded me of a star. The skirt was long in different layers pretty and frilly. It was a v neck cut with angel sleeves made of sheer soft material and my chest was bare to see my necklace. I had two clips on either side of my head. They were silver sparkly broaches I got at a boutique on Austin street. My hair was split side ways and slightly pulled back to avoid it being in my face. Which didn't work because there is always that one curl that gets stuck smack dead in the middle of my face. It looked OK anyway.
Riley on the other hand was dazzling in all white. I'd tell him he were handsome but he'd just crack a joke and make me blush. He's really good at it. The white he was wearing made his emerald green eyes stick out like a big black stain on a white wedding gown. His hair was pushed back and his eyes seemed even bigger.
"Oh! Come! Everyone is over here!" Kate says and takes our wrists pulling us to the back of the house. We came into a room that looked like it was an extension. The light in its was a silvery blue and everyone there seemed to be from school. Kate smiles between our faces. "I'll be right back" she says and disappears.
Riley and I sat on high stools near the wind. I had my hands folded on the table. Toby and Clary stood arm in arm next to us talking but I wasn't paying attention. The night was wonderful. A night full of music laughter, sweetness, fun and oddly tranquility. I was just dreading the moment I had to go home. I hadn't wanted to go home. I dreaded the moment that I had too. I was staring out the window into the garden. In the center was a large pool with a huge water fountain in the center and an angel at the top. The water lit up with beautiful silvery blue colors.
Someone's hand rests on mine "Hey" they say and I look over.
"Are you alright?" Riley asks and it dawns on me. I wasn't paying attention. Oopps.
"Oh no I'm fine sorry" i say and look over. "Where's Clary and Toby?"
"They went to go dance. Celine Dion has just made her appearance for one song" he says and slides off his chair.
"Oh" I say and twist the big ring on my middle finger. He extends his hand and flicks his head.
"Come on" he says. I swallow hard and slowly place my hand in his. "Where are we going?" I ask and slide off my stool.
"Celine Dion's here." he says "I want to dance with you"
*****************************************************************I had been near celebrities many times before. But this was different. First off she was beautiful stunning gorgeous! Second, she was my favorite singer ever since I was little. She wore a white suit and stood on a stage built in what looked like a ballroom. Everyone grab someone and went out onto the floor.
"Good Evening everyone" she says and her voice sounds like sugar through the microphone. She looked like a beautiful doll. "This song is from Kate dedicated to her friends" Celine Dion says and everyone claps. She turns to face the people behind her and her hair moves along with her. I absolutely love this woman. She was always my dream mother.
Riley takes me in his arms and the music starts. I gasp unable to help myself.
"I love this song" I whisper and I'm already slowly dancing.
"For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all" she said and her voice lit up the room like a choir of singing angels. For a moment I let myself dissolve in the sound of Riley's heart beat against my hear when I rest the side of my head against him. I look over and Jeanine is saying something to Mike that makes him smile and then she does too. I look to my left and Kate seems blissful in Zayn's arms when they sway to the beat. Clary and Toby for some reason look like the cutest things I had ever seen before. Between her huge wild thick bloody red curls and turquoise eyes and his golden brown waves and yellowy blue eyes they seemed so cute together.
"You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cuz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me" she sang and when the sound hit my ears I shut my eyes. I had never felt so peaceful before ever. I hope Ben is alright and is having fun with Ethan and Kelly at the movies. I heard Patty tagged along. I could just imagine the image of them together. A very cute happily little family they would look like.
"You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you" Celine sings and there is one thing going through my mind. God Bless you Celine Dion!
I hear the rustling of my skirt as I sway and I turn my head. Outside I could see the night sky the darkest deepest blue I had ever seen. the stars covered the sky and there was a full moon.
"You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me" Celine continued and this time I looked at Riley. He smiles softly.
"Having fun?" he whispers and I nod. If he only knew. He kisses my forehead.
"Good" he says and I shut my eyes again. If I didn't have to go home soon I'd actually feel a lot more relaxed.
"You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you" Celine sang and it picked up at my favorite part of the song.
"What's wrong?" Riley asks and I look at him.
"What? Nothing" I say and he makes a face.
I sigh "I'm too happy. And it'll be all over too soon then I'm ready for" I say. We turn and someone's face flashes by. I gently crane my head to see. When I do I roll my eyes. Must Brittney crash every part she's not invited too? She is speaking to someone and she throws her hand in the air. My heart stops. Her bracelet. I know that bracelet. I have seen it before.
"You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cuz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me" she sang and it was as sweet and soft as the fluttering of a butterfly's wings.
We turned again and I strained to see her bracelet again.
"What are you looking at?" Riley asks and turns his head. I turn his face with my hand to look at me.
"Nothing" I say.
"I'm everything I am
Because you loved me" she sang and the music softly ended. She smiles and everyone claps. "Thank you everyone" she says and disappears within the crowd. Riley turns to follow my train of sight. He makes a face and sighs.
"Come on" he says and pulls me through the crowd. It looks as if he's avoiding her and that's exactly what he's doing. But it doesn't work out that way. We bump into Kate and she looks at us then she looks to where Brittney's standing. She sucks her teeth.
"Oh God not her again" she says. Brittney is scanning the crowd. When her eyes find ours her eyes widen and for a split second she seems shocked. Then the expression disappears and she's icy cold when she approaches.
"Well its nice to see you all" she says and Kate narrows her eyes at her. Her tone was a bit too nasty sarcastic for my taste. She yanks her gloves off and puts them under her arm.
"What are you doing here?" Kate asks and she looks clearly tired. I know I am. I want to yank that bracelet right off her wrist and choke it with her. Riley squeezes my hand and gently pushes me aside. I can't help it I just can't. That was such an adorable thing to do.
"I come every single year. Have you forgotten that we were once friends?" Brittney replies and Kate replies quickly.
"Once" she repeats "Once friends. You are now no longer welcome here"
Brittney raises a blonde eyebrow. "Oh why because of her?" she says and points to me "What are you replacing me with her now? Have we to forget that it was just last year I was on Riley's arm not her" she says and looks at me with a belittling disgust.
"That's enough" Riley says and she looks at him. "I think you should go now"
"Look at you. Funny how quick people turn" she says and meets my stare. "What are you looking at?" she snarls.
"That's an awfully beautiful bracelet" I say and her face falls cold. I stand straighter. "I feel as if I have seen it before its so pretty" I say and she shifts where she stands uncomfortable. Got her. "I think it must have been where? I think the locker room" I say and she quickly cuts me off.
"Yes its very common" she says.
"I think you should go now. Fredrick will show you out" Kate says and a man appears behind Brittney. Before I am able to open my mouth and say something I'm already being pulled away to an empty room with a wall made of glass so that you can see outside.
"I'm sorry about that" Riley says and runs his fingers through his hair.
"No, its alright" I say. He looks at me
"What was that about the bracelet?" he asks.
"I was just trying to get on her nerves" i say without thinking. he smiles.
"You did an awesome job" he says. I smile. I know I did. Then at the moment while we were walking I had realized something while I twisted the ring on my finger again. An awful habit is what Ethan called it. Riley, even if it were for just a second to squeeze, held my hand. Despite everything he had never done that before. I kind of wish he'd do it again. Instead it just stays quiet and I like it. I absorb the sweetness of silence. Because as soon as I get home it will all disappear.

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