Lucys Story (Mr. Stevens Pov)

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Looking at Tess now sitting in front of me injured with Riley by her side across from my desk made me baffled. How could a girl like this such a wonderful well behaved student experience such a thing. What a horrible sight it was last night. I had to help her I wanted to help her which is exactly why I called her over. Looking at her face it brought me back to not too long ago when I was read The Chronicles of Lucy. I was sitting in my bedroom with the lamp on and tv on silent. The grey blue I had painted on my walls were shadowed by the light and I had been concentrated on her story. I remember I was reading chapter four the exact scene where Lucy falls down the stairs in her house. I remember the scene went exactly like this: It was dark in my room that night. Cold and icy. I hadn't wanted to go and I hadn't wanted to leave but I had too. She would just find me anyway. I crept out of my room and tried I really tried to make it to my brother's room to see if he were alright but I couldn't. She caught me she was too fast and I was too slow. She had my brother by the arm and was screaming at me. "I'm going to kill you!" she had screamed and my brother's eyes were pleading for me. She yanked hard at her arm and threw him to the floor. "Mom stop!" I had shouted. She had the wires from the cable in her hand and she stared at him with blazing fiery eyes. "You will learn to be obedient you ungrateful little beast!" she hissed and brought her arm down. "No!" I shouted and stop in front of him. The wire sizzled where it touched my skin and I stuck her pushing her back keeping her from striking again. I pulled my brother from the floor. "Go to your room now"I said then turned to face her. "What is wrong with you?" I had said and she charged toward me. We got into a quarrel. I slipped and fell down the stairs. The next day at school it had been hard trying to hide all of the injuries from the night before. I had to try though. I had to try.
She was such an amazing child. I could never even picture the face of the monster that could possibly to this to her. She was a child just a kid. She hadn't gotten to live her life. She was too busy trying to protect from the same people that gave it to her because they threatened to take it away. her parents. She was too busy raising her brother on her own. She was too busy being strong and fighting back. I wish this hadn't had to happen to her. I wish she were my kid. She looks at me the same way she always did with those big demanding eyes of her. They demanded attention they demanded respect.
"Well say something already!" she blurted out breaking my concentration. I looked at her. I'll do whatever it takes whatever I have to to save this little girl. I won't let her be hurt again. Not ever again.

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