Rileys Dream Of Tess (Extra POV)

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It had been a long day at school. Tiring and stressful. I yanked the dark brown curtains on my bedroom windows shut and the room fell almost black. Not like there was much light out anyway with it being so grey and dark and the world around was covered in snow. I flicked the light switch in the bedroom on and stood in front of the mirror. My eyes were glowing green and there were bags under them. No one was home for the first time in weeks. Thank God. Everyone was out at Rachel's house. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Mr.Stevens kept me after class today. He asked if I'd seen Tess. My answer of course was no. I had called but sometimes with Tess its no use. I'd travel to the ends of the world for that girl but sometimes she doesn't get it. Its like the girl is blind to the fact that she's got me crazy for her. I wet my face and shook the thought from my head. I'm not going to think about this right now. The green in my eyes become darker when I glance at myself. I shut the light off and walk out. It takes just a second for me to touch my pillow and fall asleep.
My mother likes everything Victorian style in the house. I guess that's why my bedroom looks part of a gothic castle. So much wood so much intricate architecture and so many warm colors. When I looked out the window there was a full moon and snow fell from the dark blue sky. When the snow hit the light it looked like light hitting diamonds. My bedroom was light with dim golden lamp light. I sat by the window sill with my book on my lap. A tale of two Cities Lay in my lap. i had to finish it for english class. It was boring on a whole other level. I loved literature especially classics but I just had my mind preoccupied and just found it annoying.
There's a knock on my door and I frown looking over. It was 10:00 and the kids were sleeping over there today. No one has keys to the house. Maybe they came home?
"Hello?" I hear someone say and I slam my book shut. Did I just hear what I thought I did. I rise from my chair and walk acros the room taking the door knob in my hand. I yank the door open and my heart skips a beat.
"Hi" she says. She had a head of long brown thick cascading curls. Her huge eyes were hazel, wide and the color was to the point that is was olive green. She had a vintage ruffle shirt on with poufy long sleeves and a black bow in the front and the fabric was shiny and sheer. The kind that when you rub it together it makes that zzzz noise. Her skirt was black and short hitting her mid thigh. She seemed a bit up tight and she held her hands folded in front of her. If she saw into my mind right now she might hit me with her clutch. It took all the strength I had not to pull her into my arms. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair and wrap a curl around my finger to feel the silkiness of it. Her lips were red soft and swollen. I bit the inside of my cheek. I wanted to kiss her so badly it was killing me inside.
"Tess," i say and her eyes light up hazel green and glossy "What are you doing here? How did you get in what happened?" I asked. She walked past me and sat the edge of my bed crossing her legs. Her back was straight and her skirt had gone up several inches. I swallowed hard. her skin seemed bronze in the lighting almost golden and unbruised or cut or harmed. Not the way it always seemed. I shut the door. her face was flawless and beautiful. There were no clips in her hair. It was all curls. She had no idea how much it killed me everytime I'd look at her and know she was hurting in some way shape or form. I hated it even more when I saw her and she was bruised and would yank her sleeve down. It took everything I had not to blow my top and wrip someone's head off.
"I just...I" she sttuters and I sit next to her. "I had to go somewhere. talk to someone" she says and takes my hand. My skin begins to burn and my stomach is turning. She semmed so odd but I had never seen her look so beautiful.
"What happened where's Ben?" I ask. She shakes her head and puts my hands on her face. "Don't concentrate on Ben he's fine concentrate on me" she says and her eyes shut.
My stomach begins to turn and my hands itch with anticipation. Her faces moves beneath my finger tips and she looks at me.
"Would you do anything for me?" she asks and I look at her.
'What?" I ask completely baffled. had she jsut asked me that?
"i said Would you do anything for me?" she repeats. She takes my hands from her face and moves them down her neck and stop at her shoulders where her sleeve begins slipping past her shoulders. her eyes glisten.
"Well would you?" she asks and tugs at the bow on her shirt until it becomes undone.
"Of course" is all I manage to get out.
"Good, because I need to ask you something" she says and places one of my hands on the bare skin on her leg. "I need you to get me out of there" she says.
"What do you mean? From your house?" I ask and she nods to frantic her curls bounce.
"yes, Riley I want you to take me away from there" she says. She brings her face closer to mine and shuts her eyes "I want to be here" she says and her eyes open. The lamp light makes her eyes twinkle. "With you"
I let out a deep breath. This girl is killing me. I bring my hand up the side of her leg up her back slowly unitl her face is in my hand. "Tess" I say and she lays her hand on my chest. "You're safe here. With me" i say and she nods.
"that's good" she says and scoots closer "But i already know that"
Its killing me. I want to yank at her hair and press her mouth down on mine. But she sits there frozen in time. I only had some of the buttons on my shirt buttoned. She brings her hand up and goosebumps form. Her hand stops where my skin is bare. When she speaks her voice sounds like she's ready to cry.
"Riley" she says. Her voice breaks my heart. How couls someone so strong seem so weak? She brings her hand up and under my shirt over my shoulder then in back of my neck.
"What is it Tess?" I ask and my voice has been brought down to a whisper. She looks up.
"Can I ask you something" she croaks and comes closer.
"What is it" I ask.
She shuts her eyes and a tear comes down. Now I want to kill whoever did this to her. I want to slowly strangle whoever is the reason for her to cry. More than anything.
"Kiss me" she says and my hear stops. I must be imagining things. When I stay there she opens her eyes.
"Riley kiss me" she says and grows closer " Kiss me I want you to kiss me I'm asking you to" she says.
"I-" i say when i open my mouth to speak but I shut it. I take her in my arms and kiss her so hard it hurts. The clatter of teeth against teeth sends a ringing to my ears. Her delicate hands run through my hair and a sound emerges deep in my throat. I gues it was true. I was always thinking about number two. I hold her so tight so close I can feel every curve of her body against mine. My hands finds itself in the center of her hair and stays there twisting in her curls. She opens her mouth wider and I devour her. I put my hand down to try and attemtp to grasp some kind of balance but it ends up on the bare skin of her thigh and drives me insane. Before I can tell every button is undone on my shirt. Tess slides further away and lays her back on the bed. Not at any moment does she take her mouth from mine. Her hands are scouring my bare back and I had never tried so hard to keep myself control while I kissed her in my arms. I reach for her shirt and she pulls back.
"let me" she says and begins to unbutton. I take her in my arms again and just hold her close because I just want her in my arms. I want her in my arms all day everyday if she'd let me. Softly I touch her mouth to mine and touch her back. She pulls back and screams. Her eyes widen with guilt and a secret she's scared to tell.
"What's wrong?" I ask and she sits up.
"Nothing" she says and I grab her shoulders
"What's wrong?" I demand. She begins to cry and when I bring my hands back I know why. they're covered in blood. She almost faints falling off the side of the bed and I grab her. Her eyes are wide with tears and her head is flown back looking at me.
'i'm sorry I didn't say anything" she croaks and her back continues to bleed in my arms. Before I know it bruises form on her legs and her arms and cuts and scratches. Her full healthy face becames frail and plae with a bruise on her cheek.
"I tried to hide it from you" she says and . her eyes roll to the back of her head. her heart stops and I watch in horror as the front of her shirt becomes stained with blood like someone stabbed her. She melts away in the form of blood.
I fling out bed with wide eyes and run my hands through my hair. I look down and there is no blood. My shirt is still on and the room is completely empty. I had been sleeping. It was all just a dream. I was all alone in my bedroom and it was all just a dream. My lips still burn from her touch. So do my hands and my back and my arms and legs and everywhere. To bad it was a dream. I wish it weren't. I wish I'd stop dreaming of her. dreaming of Tess. Its the same thing every night. Whether I'm walking down Autsin street and she comes runnign bloody falls to the ground and dies. Or she's on the floor in the school hallway and is crying she still dies. She always ends up dying. and I always end up not being able to help her. SOmething didn't feel right. I reach for my phone and stare at the screen. i roll my eyes 24 now 25 missed calls.
And Bittney.
Its like she wouldn't get the memo. I deleted all her calls and was left to stare at my screensaver. A picture from the halloween party of Tess and I that Jeanine took. The very reason why she hated me started that night but I couldn't take the picture off. She just looked too beautiful. I had put it up immediately after taking it as a joke but I hadn't wanted to take it off. Something didn't feel right. she hadn't been at school in days I knew there was something wrong. Maybe if I just called to see if she was alright. I climbed out of bed light headed and walked towards my window. I leaned against Windowsill and dialed her number. It rang like it always did and I expected to hear her angelic voice saying Heyyyy! You've reached the all wonderful Tess! Now I'm either super busy, left my phone on silent, lost my phone, the charger, or ignoring you and she laughs I didn't pick up the phone! SO maybe if you call back i'll be in a good mood and answer And then the line always went dead after that.My mind began trailing off. She was so strong. Sometimes I swear on all things wonderful all I have to do is just look tthat girl in the eye when she smiles i can see light through her eyes. She'd given up everythign for Ben. Her life, her childhood, because she loved him. She wasn't like any other girl Before Tess. I remember when I first saw her I thought 'I have to talk to that girl' then we did at our lockers and I hadn't forgotten our quite unique and interesting encounter since. But what really got me thinking about her was that day in Mr.Stevens class when she said she loved his teen life assignment. Everyone had judged her even Toby. I wanted to knock him out when he criticized her but it was too late to do so. She was already looking at me. Then not too long after the day her mother showed up at Ben's school I expected her to run for her life and cower behind a tree. It was reasonable anyone else would have. But no. I stopped dead in my track when I noticed she ran. Not away her mother but towards her. And she fought back. I had never seen anyone with so much fire before. She wasn't weak she was a force to reckoned with. I know I wouldn't mess with her not after that display. And she through a pretty sick punch like the time at The Tavern. And ever since she had me falling hard for her and I mean hard when she smiled one day at the park in the sunlight. That was it for me. It had been all about her.
I snap out of my daze when the ringing stops on the other line.
"Hello?" someone says and I let out a deep breath.
"Tess finally!" i say throwing my free hand in the air. It was about time damn it! This is pathetic this girl's got me wrapped around her little finger and I'm the one calling late at night. What the hell is this?
"I've been calling. You've been missing for days. Are you alright?" I ask. There's a rustling in the background. I wonder where she is.
"No, I'm fine just home" she says aand there's a strain in her voice. I hear something almost as if something has shattered.
"Tess?" I say and I can her her deep breathing. As if she's been running.
"Riley I'm fine nothing to worry about" she says with a sob. that's it. I think I might lose it. so help me God I think i'm really going to rip someone's head off. And so help me God if she's going to be difficult about what's going on by hell I'l march right into that house and yank her right out bloody or not. I don't care anymore.
"Tess who's there?" i ask and pace in my bedroom. I had never spoken to someone with such a hard rage filled town but with her its like she brings that part of me out on purpose.
There's screaming and banging of her name. Someone's ordering she opens the door. I hear her cry out once as if in pain and I stop dead in my tracks.
"Tess!" I shout.
"Riley I'm fine please" she pleads.
there's such a loud bang like an explosion of pure fire and rage that makes my blood cold. Or boil either way i'm ready to run out the door. I yank the bedroom door open and fly down the stairs.
"Tess what the hell was that!" i demand.
"Riley please I'm begging you-" she pleads and I yank my jacket off the coat rack.
"Tess where are you I want to know now" I demand in a cold hard tone. that's sometimes the only way to speak to her.
"Riley I'm home I'm fine!" she argues with a sniffle.
"I'm coming there now and I mean now. Stay put. And so help me God Tess if you so much as move I swear I'll hunt you down like a dog staple your damn feet to the ground and make you stay put I might even kill you myself. You hear me?" I say and even the sound of my tone makes my blood rn cold. I grab the car keys and yank open the front door. God Tess if I didn't like you so much I'd kill you myself for being so stupid. I wouldn't dare say love. I'll scare myself with the damn word imagine her.
"No Riley don't-!" she says and I hang up ignoring her. get the hell out of here. I'm getting her out of that house now and i'm not sending her back I don't give a damn if God himself said to leave her be he'd have to strike me dead first. I yank the car door open slide and I stomp hard on the gas and go flying down the street. I'm almost there.

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