By The Power Vested In Me I Now Pronounce You Dead If You Open Your Mouth

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I hated those girls i truly did. They're the reason i left their crummy school. When my mother left for a month last year they found out. They were going to tell the school and then they would have taken Ben away from me. And why? All because i was someone they wanted to be and because I was competition. With everything boys academics teachers. They made school torture for me and they hated me even more because i didn't take their garbage and I fought back. I didn't care who they were and who their parents were. I called them out on being plastic and was real with them. For that they hated me with every bone in their body. They also saw Marcus hit me once. Of course i hit him back but that wasn't the point. Point was they saw and were going to report it if i didn't hand over my title of student council secretary to the leader of their click. Madeline. They also heard my mom yelling once and threatened to call the police a file up a bunch of fake reports if i didn't hand over the lead in the school play to my understudy. Which was again Madeline. Those girls tortured me and put through just about every spirit crushing experience. But why they hated me more is they didn't break me.

Riley and I got chairs by the window and he pulled out my seat. He left though to make a phone call. I didn't ask why just nodded.

"Tess?" A very giggling and conniving voice says and I look up. "Tess Chance?" Madeline says and she smiles. She's so fake Barbie is jealous. Then she wonders why I called her plastic.

Her hair was naturally a blonde yellow soft and silky. She was not very tall but slender. She had a very sad colored blue eyes and soft light skin.

I smile comedically. "Madeline Rogers. Great to see you" I say.

She giggles a bit. "So I see you have been going...out" she says.

I give her a look where I feel my eyebrows press together and my lips squeeze.

"What is that any of your business?" I ask all a bit to deeply sarcastic. Her eyes look me up and down once.

"I don't know," she says and smiles a bit "he seems a bit too out of your league sweetheart" she says and her group giggles behind her.

"How would you know?" I ask and her face falls a serious kind of confused.

"You have never had a serious relationship before in your life" I say. I hear the murmur from the girls behind her an she seems to burn me with her intense eyes and her jaw has slightly dropped.

"You haven't even had a real friendship" I say.

She smiles a bit victoriously "At least I have friends" she says. She is fighting like a four year old.

"Yes but for how long?" I ask and she falls silent for a moment.

"They are only going to be here for as long as you are popular rich and pretty" I say.

One of the red headed girls behind her protests. "We'll always be here for her!" she says and the girls nod in agreement.

"Oh really?" I say and look back at Madeline.

'What happens when you loose your money?" I ask and she looks as if she's processing my words and taking them into consideration. Maybe even seeing the future of them.

"Some will disappear" I say "Then what happens when you loose your pretty face maybe gains Some weight?" I ask and the girls behind her sour each other's face for answers. "More of them will disappear again" I say.

"The what happens when you loose your popularity in which case you loose everything. Your sidekick" I say and look back at the red head. Madeline does the same.

"Will become the leader of a newly formed group with the same exact people except you" I say and she looks at me. I see the kind of burning fire that comes when someone is right and you know it. I smile a little.

"You only hate me because you always came in second to me," I say and sit back. "that's all"

"Watch it Tess. " Madeline says. "You're walking on thin ice" she says. My body tenses and I slide a bit in my chair. But never showing fear.

"We wouldn't want another incident" she says. Riley comes over and looks confused. This isn't going well but it can get interesting. I noticed my sleeve is rising to far up my arm and I yank it back down so you can't see the bruise still there from two weeks ago. Marcus tried breaking my arm.

"What incident?" Riley asks. I want to cower under a blanket. So help me Madeline says anything to him she is dead. She sees the look on my face and smiles.

She noticed I pull down my sleeve. Even worse.

"Poor, poor Tess suffered a bit of an accident" she says and looks at him. "You know with her parents and all" she says.

"Madeline watch it" I say my voice so cold and stern it even scares me.

Riley looks at me perplexed. "What about your parents?' he asks.

Madeline gasps all to melodramatically. "You don't know?" she asks. I rise from my chair.

"Madeline" I say and widen my eyes to her. "Watch it" I say again.

She makes that sound when he move your tongue to the roof of your mouth and it makes a clicking noise and she shakes her head.

She takes my arm. "Poor Tess I hope this time it didn't hurt as much" She says.

I yank my arm back and I want to wrap my arms around her until the life leaves her.

She sighs and looks at Riley.

"I guess it's only fair I tell you" she says. She wouldn't dare. I'll kill her I swear. She looks at me and smiles humorously.

"Madeline don't you dare" I whisper hard.

"Tess" she says. "Shut up" I snap.

She sighs "No use in denying it Tess " she says.

"You need to come clean about things like these." She says. She yanks my arm and pulls up the sleeve.

"You can't let your parents-" she says and the words drown.

I yank my arm back hard. My fists are uncontrollable and I swing hard. So hard I hear my knuckles crack when they connect to her cheekbone. She falls in a bloody shriek to the ground and people surround her.

I grab my jacket and dart out the door without looking back. I don't even care about the screaming of my name.

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