The family is back togeather

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The door to the house slowly creaks open. I look to my left and right but Ben just walks right in with no shame and no fear. I reach to yank at his hoodie but it slips between my fingertips.
"Ben!" I whisper urgently. I bite my bottom lip and I can feel the skin peeling off. This isn't good. I slowly shut the door and it made a sharp clicking noise. I squeezed my eyes shut and Ben wondered into the living.
"Daddy!" Ben shrieks. The sound of his feet hitting the floor as he runs sends echoes throughout the house. I hear mom laugh. What could she possibly be laughing at. My heart falls from my chest straight to the ground I was wonder down the half light hallway.
"Tess is that you dear?" I hear mom say and I curse out loud. Who cares if they hear me?
"Yes" I say and push back my curls away from my face. I straighten out my outfit and adjust my outfit. "I'm coming" I say and take in a deep breath letting it out through my mouth. Remember to breathe Tess that's all. Just remember to breathe. I step into the living room and stand under the tall arch. Ben sits on Marcus's lap and I can see there heads pop up from behind the chair. Ben looks up at me and smiles. He slips off his lap and says. "Daddy's home!"
Marcus rises from his chair. I can see his back and the muscles twitching. They make me swallow hard. His long sleeved sky blue shirt was fitted and the sleeves were pulled up to his elbows. From behind I could see his veins coursing down his muscular arms. His shoulders were broad and he was always very toned and in shape. I could see his hands twitch when we slowly turned his neck. I could hear it cracking. He turned his whole body around and looked at me. With the same face. The same face I have struck so many times. The same face i'd do anything to stay away from. The same face that when I look at should make me feel better not worse. That face was all I could do to keep myself from running because all I wanted to do was look at him. I felt myself becoming smaller and tinier and tinier and then he smiled. What a shame he's evil he's so handsome. He had tan skin aside from mom's light skin. He had brown hair like mine and eyes like mine. he looked like me and I looked like him and so did Ben and I hated him for that. I hated the fact that we both bore his face. His eyes were however a very dark intense brown maybe black like Ben's. Mine had color. He had a very slight beard the style where you don't shave and let it grow out. He was truly terrifying. He had long thin lips and shiny white teeth. Everything about his features where chiseled down to his chin. Of all the times I've busted his jaw with a pan (which thinking about it is my signature weapon) his chin still managed to go back to being perfect. He wasn't perfect however. He was handsome but a rugged handsome. Before he ended up being adopted by parents in the U.S when he was 5 or 7 Marcus was from Spain. He had been born and raised here. When he was adopted they changed his name to Marcus Chance. I don't even know his real name. I only know as much as mom does and that is as much as he told her when they started dating.
"Tess" he says. His voice always annoyed me. Him and that smug little look with that tone sharp as knives yet still deceitful. He opens his arms wide. I know what he's doing. It's probably to spite me because last time he saw me I punched him. "Come, give daddy a hug" he says.
I look at mom and she's smiling overjoyed. I wish I had a pan right about now I'd fling it at her. The room instantly became cold despite all of the darker colors. I carefully walked over cautious not to trip over anything. I walked around the chair and my fingertips skimmed the silky top. I stopped in front of him and tried slowing down my heart beat. No need for him to know my heart is beating faster then the wings of a butterfly. I go hesitantly into his open arms.
He wraps his cold arms around me and I hesitantly do the same terrified he's ready to crush me. He runs his hand down my hair and I fight back the angry tears and the urge to yell at him to let me go.
"Well isn't this nice" he says and I breathe in out gasping for more air every time like I couldn't get enough. "The family's back together"

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