Escaping The Deadly Grasp

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The next day Mom before stopping at the bar left Ben at a friend's house. I sat here in the car until night fall when she came out. I had no idea why she kept me with her. All I knew is I didn't want to be. I sat in the passengers seat and watched as she practically fell with every step she took and opened the car door. She smelled as if she had been bathing in whiskey. "What happened to you?" I ask and she looked at me with empty eyes. "Shut, up" she says each word separate and clear. She started the car and drove off with immense speed.
"Mom slow down!" I shout and hold on to the dash board when she comes to a staggering halt. Tears rushing down her face smearing her mascara and making it run. So many tears it looks like rain and it gathers at her chin then dips of in black water. She slams her foot on the gas and the car jolts forward again. She was driving toward a wall on the highway.
"MOM" I say unable to say anything else. Would she do it? Would she really do it? She sobs behind the tears and begins to sniffle.
"Mom slow down!" I shout.
"No!" she screams in agony and we go faster.
"Mom stop!" I scream and my heart begins to race. I push the hair from my face and I can hear the honking on horns. I see their bright white lights beam on my face.
"Mom!" I scream and grab hold of the wheel right before it collides with the wall. My veins freeze and she groans. "No!"
I yank at her hair twisting my fingers inter wining them with her hair and pull hard. Her hand falls back sharply to the side and I direct the car clearly on the road. I let go and sit back in my seat heart racing. She cries until we drive home.
When we get home I lock my self in my room for at least an hour. There's a pounding on my door and it slams open. "You ruined everything!" Mom screams with her cigarette in her hand. Her hair was a blonder mess of tangles and take curls clearly down with a curling iron her makeup smudged and running. She points at me with a long thin painted red finger. "It's all your fault!" she says and throws the cigarette to the ground.
"How is it my fault!" I shout back and rise from my bed. "It's not my fault your pathetic and looking for disgusting garbage like Marcus!" I say and her eyes widen. Her knuckles connect with my cheekbone the side of my jaw and below my eye with incredible force sending me flying to the ground.
"You're going to regret that" is all she says. I race crawling for the door and she pulls hard at me leg bringing me back. I kick her and she bumps into my drawer and falls. I kick hard again this time it hits her in the face. I scream and run out the door. When I reach the end of the hallway she grabs the center of my hair and pulls me back. She slams my back so hard against the wall my back throbs and the mirror falls shattering to pieces.
"I'm going to rip your hair out!" she screams and claws at my face. I knock her hard in the mouth and she staggers back. I look at her a moment unable to mouth. She had a bloody mouth. I ran down the stairs screaming for my life. She runs fast and pushes me causing me to fall down the last ten steps. I moan and roll over to the side. The stands over and yanks my hear bringing my head up. She looks at me once menacing then brings my head down hard against the marble floor. She does it four times. I scratch hard at her face and pull her hair. When I bring my hand back there's a clump of her hair in my hand. She sits on top of me hands around my neck and I can't breathe. She punched me hard in the nose when I clawed at her neck. I kicked hard feeling nothing but air. Then my legs knocked over a table. I saw a vase and reached for it. My fingers brushed across it. I finally grab and it and with force it collides with her head and with a scream she falls off of me. I scramble gasping for air screaming and run. She pulls at my shirt again. I turn and grab her face between both of my hands and bring it hard down with force to my knee. Then I smack her for being evil. I punch her hard and let go. She fumbles backwards. I punch her hard again and she falls her back hitting hard onto the point of a table. I run but she falls to the ground and with all of her force pulls the rug beneath me.
My body slams into the cold floor and there's an aching sizzling sensation. She crawls but I crawl faster. Not fast enough to escape her deadly grasp. She grabs my leg and I kick her so hard her neck goes back with a cracking noise and she let's go. Who knew she had it in her. I rise to my feet running and limping clashing into the hallway walls searching for balance. "Tess!" I hear her scream and her shadow forms at the end of the hall. I go into a room any room and lock the door. I hear her footsteps approaching and try to think fast.
"Where are you?' she screams I step backwards and fall into the floor tripping over the garbage can in the bathroom. It falls silent. i hear her running. I look behind me and the the window. She was running down the hallway I could hear. I throw the window open climb onto the toilet and slither out falling into the bushes. I look back once then run as fast as I can. I run out the house the gate the property and just run fear making my body tremble tears running down my face. I cross the street and look back. I make sure no one's falling me. I hadn't even noticed I was so close to the school. When I turn around my body collides with someone else's hard muscles and they are too strong and well built to be my mother but I scream anyway.
"No get away!" I scream and the person grabs my wrists.
"Tess!" he says and I look at him. It was Riley.

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