Hell Hath No Fury

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What do you mean Ben isn't with you?" I ask. I'm just about ready to stick my hands through my phone and choke the light out of him.

"I got detention for being late. When I got home Kelly told me she got separated from Ben at dismal and Molly's mom had to walk her home" he speed talks

"For the love of God" I mutter and slouch in the car seat. Riley looks at me for a moment then back at the road.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

I shake my head dismissing his concern. "My brother he-" I say and stop.

It clicks.

Why would Ben leave without Kelly? How could he even possibly get separated from Kelly at dismissal when they're in the same class? There was only one logically explanation. Mom had Ben.

"Dear God" I say and my hands fumble to unbuckle my seat belt.

"What are you doing?" Riley asks.

"I'm sorry I have to go" I ramble and fling the door open. "My brother!" and I run for the hills.

For the love of God please let Ben be alright. I pray and I pray hard enough so that God could hear me all the way in heaven. Sweet wonderful Jesus please watch over my brother. That woman will let the the wrath of hell fall upon poor Ben. Especially since she can't get her hands on me. Depending of her mental state of mind as of now things are either sickly normal or burning like the rays of the sun. My heart starts then stops on a constant interval. My bag bounces as I run for my house as fast as I can until my thighs burn and my chest contracts. My jacket flies in the wind and I think my skirt is going up a bit too high but I don't care. I hear the tress whistling in the wind as i run and the sun taps my shoulder through the branches of high trees.

My body slams into the iron gates that lead to the estate and i type in the pass code. When the gates open i rush up the path of the lightly colored castle looking mansion I should call home.

I fly through the front doors and the cascading twirling stairs are empty so are the hallways and almost all of the rooms.

"Ben!" I shout and drop my bag on the floor. "Ben!" I shout again.

"Over here!" I hear mom shout from the kitchen. I Hear giggling and run.

"Mom" I say at a loss for words. Ben was sitting on the stool in front of the island in the kitchen. Mom was smiling at him with the sink on and a big bowl in her hands. She had a wooden spoon in her hand and was steering cake batter. Ben had crayons and a coloring book in his hands. Mother tilts her head and her smile is dazzling.

"Hello dear" she says.

"Don't call me that" I say quietly.

"Sorry, hello sweetheart" she says. She looks at Ben and runs her fingers through his hair. Ben giggles ad continues coloring. She was sober and terrifyingly sweet. That's when you should have your guard up the most. It's one thing for her to be a loving nurturing mother than have her temper change whenever she pleases but when she is overly happy things are not good.

I walk over slowly to Ben and stand over him. "Ben why didn't you go home with Kelly today?" I asked.

"He's my son" Mom says quickly and i look at her wide intense eyes. "I'm his mother he goes home with me" she says.

It takes everything I have not to choke her. I guess Ben and I will be staying home after all.

Instead i nod. "That's fine, I'll be in my room" I say "Doing homework"

She was worse than a demon.

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