The End - Pt. 2

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When Mom gets into the car she looks up to my window in the hospital and smiles. I pull the curtains close and sit back on the bed. The new year had passed and I spent it here. I sat in my jeans on the hospital bed and waited for Celine to come and pick me up. The door opens and I expect to see Celine. Instead I see Riley. He looks at me and as if he doesn't know what to do or say he shuts the door. I breathe in as if i have forgotten too. He brings out flowers.
"I don't even know where to begin" he says and I nod.
"How about I start. Tess are you alright?" I say and he puts the flowers on the nightstand. "Oh yes Riley I'm fine" I say and he suppresses a smile.
"You shouldn't joke in times like these" he says and sits on the chair near my bed. I swallow hard.
"The doctor said a little happiness is what I need" i say softly like a child. He looks at me and I make a face "Its the only medicine I'm allowed to have" I say like a baby and he finally laughs. The room falls silent for a moment. Until he takes my hands in his and i squeeze.
"I have to tell you something" he says and I look at him.
"What?" I ask and he smiles.
"I'm awful at pick me up speeches" he says and I laugh. My phone rings and its a text from Celine to come down. I sigh.
"Riley listen-" i say and he shakes his head and stands.
"No its alright we'll talk tomorrow" he says. I bite my lip.
"That's the thing. Riley I need space time to heal I just..." i say and look away. "I can't right now" I say. he sighs. I expect a lecture. He reaches over and kisses my forehead.
"I'll always be here" he says and aims for the door. Before he walks out he looks back. "You can count on it" and then he leaves. I'm left to wallow in the silence.

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