The Unknown

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I don't know where we are. I know its somewhere far from home where the roads are deserted and made of sand. Ben is fast asleep. Mom took the BMW so therefore there was a lot of room. I stare out the window and the sun is setting in the distance. It must have been days. Maybe three or four that we have been driving. Last place we stood the night was a Hilton Inn in Texas. We were far from home now. My phone was been ringing none stop. But it's dying and it won't allow me to answer the calls. And how I crave to answer the calls. Once on a while very rarely do I see a car drive by. When it does I look into the window and try to see who is in there. But I can't because I am too far up.

Eventually a few hours later when the sun is still setting we stop.

It was almost as if mom knew exactly where she was going to stop how long it was going to stop how she was going to get to wherever she's going. I noticed that she talked to people. A lot. Like once when we went out to dinner we had to wait an hour in the car while she talked to someone. That was our first night on the rode. I look at the calendar I brought. It turns out this is our 5th night. We stop at another Hilton Suites and mom has someone bring the luggage's up to our room. Finally I can charge my phone. Mom got me my own room and her and Ben shared one. I ran into my room and looked the door. I turned on the lamps and fell unto the bed. I plugged my phone in and waited until it turned on. I wanted to be awake when it charged enough for me to make a phone call. But then I started slouching eventually my head was on the pillows and my body was under the sheets. I held the phone in my hand. The sheets were white warm and must have been made of sweet silk. I had the tv on but it didn't matter. My eyes began to fall. I fell asleep to the sight of my phone saying Incoming Call: Riley Grey

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