The Graffiti Wall

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It was raining out today and hard. When the rain hit the glass windows in the classroom in sounded like shattering glass and when the rain became harder it mimicked the sound of a beating drum or a strong heartbeat. The room was grey looking despite all of the lights being on and had an odd cold feeling. Patty was flashing the pictures from her Thanksgiving vacation in homeroom and I was doodling in my notebook. In the back of every single one of notebooks the last page is what I call The Graffiti Wall Its a bunch of pictures of flowers, hearts, my name scribbled everywhere, and messages. Messages like Super Tired and then the date. When i'm bored in class thats what i do. The teachers never notice anyway because they think I'm taking down notes on what they're saying meanwhile I could care less. Eventually ten minutes passed and Patty, in the seat in front of me, sat back and laughed. Clary was in the seat on her left. She looked back at me and smiled.
"What are you doing?" she asks. Patty turns in her chair putting her arm on the back.
"Being wack and drawing in her notebook" she says and smirks.
"Hehe" I tease and go back to my notebook.
"We were talking about Clary's date with" Jeanine says and the girls in the surronding group smile and say "Toby"
Clary gets red in the face and knocks Jeanine's pencil case over but she laughs.
"I'll remember that next time you want to borrow my lipstick" she says and retrives her pencil case.
Kate groans "Eww, Twitchy Tilly is here today" she say and our heads turn to the door. Twitchy Tilly was annoying and constantly twitching. she was a bit odd. "You know in the girls bathroom a week ago she talking to herself while she was in the bathroom" Kate says and Patty's face scrunches up.
"That's just not normal" she says and the belle rings. Patty sighs and grabs her book back.
"Homeroom, check. Just 8 more miserable periods left" Jeanine says and marches out the door.
When the day is over I collect my things and there's a shadow over my desk. Mr.Stevens stands there and looks at me.
"Hello" I say and he sighs.
"well," he says and sits in the desk next to mine.
"What?" I ask and shove my notebook into my book bag. He smiles "Turns out you won't staying in that house much longer" he says and my heart stops. I pound on the desk and he laughs.
"Ok spill what did you do?" I ask
"I sent a report in. there should be a social worker over to your house right after the new year. You won't have to wait much longer" he says and I sit back in my chair with my face to the sky.
'Finally" I mutter. he raises an eyebrow at my notebook and takes it. he opens it up to the last page and shows it to me.
"So this what you do in my class?" he asks. "Draw" and I laugh.

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