Why Are You So Wonderful?

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"Riley!" I say and he opens up his arms with a smile.
"In the flesh" he says and Ben runs to him. Riley looks down and laughs.
"Hey little guy" he says and ruffles his hair.
"Riley you have to come and look at what Tess got me!" Ben says and begins pulling him along. Riley laughs.
"Alright kiddo show me" he says.
For a while I just stand there and watch. I thought he hated me. I really did. Before all I wanted to do was tell him and ask him stop being so perfect why are you so perfect. Now all i can thinks is why are you so wonderful? Riley Grey why? He played with Ben and I had never seen Ben smile wider before.
"Ok Kiddo I got something for you" Riley says and pulls something out his bag. I gasp but Ethan grabs my wrist.
"What is it?" Ben asks and inspects the wrapping paper.
"Well why don't you open it" Riley says and Ben makes a face.
"Well... alright" Ben says and he begins ripping at the wrapping paper. Ben's eyes light up and he looks at Riley.
"How did you know I wanted this?" Ben asks and Riley shrugs.
"I had a guess" he says and smiles. Ben sits with crossed legs and opens up the big picture book Riley gave him. Riley stands and Kelly sits on the floor next to Ben as they look at the pictures.
"You didn't have to do that" I say and Riley shrugs again.
"No but I wanted too. He's a great kid Ben. I guess you could say the kid just has a way of making you fall in love" he says by my side and turns to face Ben.
"Ya he does" I say.
"Which reminds me" he says and I look at him "Did I forget to mention I got you something too?" he says and in his hands lie a box. I make a face.
"You know Mr.Grey you shouldn't have gotten me anything" I say and he rolls his eyes.
"Why don't you stop being so uptight and just open it be a girl and say 'Oh my gosh i love it!'" he says in a high pitched tone and I punch his shoulder. He laughs and puts the box in my hands. It was pretty heavy so I put it on the table and unwrap it. When I pull it out my heart begins to race.
The glass was clean and shiny. The base was made in silver and engraved was: Merry Christmas Tess
When I shook it the sparkly snow spread. It had been the snow globe I wanted from Tiffany's.
"How did you know I wanted this?" I ask and whine it up. It begins to sing and a smile.
"A little birdy told me" he says. I look at him then at Patty.
"Patty?" I say and her face falls.
"What?" she asks and I smirk.
"You got me my Birkin Bags!!!" she says and the room lights up with laughter.
"Oh wait!" I say and put down the snow globe. I go under the tree where the bag of gifts I had bought was. I pull out a small box.
"I didn't know what to get you" i say stepping over the ribbons and wrapping paper. "But I guessed this might be nice" I say and hand it to him.
"I just hope you like it" I say and smile softly. He sighs.
"I wish you hadn't got me anything" he says hesitantly taking it.
"Now you know how I feel!" I say and as if he couldn't help himself he laughs a little. When he unties the ribbon I smile with anticipation.
"Well?" I ask and he takes out the gold pocket watch. He smiles.
"It remind me of the one my grandfather used to have" he says and I tilt my head to watch it turn in the air.
"Really?" I ask and he nods.
"I love it" he says. I clasp my hands together.
"Good!" I say "I'm glad"

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