The Chronicles Of Lucy

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The chronicles of Lucy was going well. It was painful though in an infuriating way describing the events of last Friday. Then again as was describing the rest of my life. I did however manage to do so and the story was excellently progressing. I felt bad for the keys on my laptop they must be tired and overused. If they could speak they'd be beginning me to take a break. My bedroom was dark and I was lying on the palace of fluffy pillows typing away. My favorite scene was when Lucy also known as me hit Marcus also known as Damian (see what I did there?) I loved describing the force it took to knock him out cold. The kind of power that rushed through my veins as I did so and the cracking noise my knuckles made when it connected to his jaw. It was sickly riveting.

The door to my bedroom creeps open and the white light from the hallway comes pouring in.

"Dinner's ready" Mom say and I nod.

She turns on the light and walks over. She smiles softly. She remembered what happened when she was D.U.I.B.C.O.H.M. Also known as Drunk Under the Influence of Being Completely Out of Her Mind.

She was feeling remorse. But in a sick twisted way.

"Whatcha working on" she asks.

With a smack I shut my laptop and her eyes become sorrowful with a kind of glow that makes her stop. Standing where she is, not flinching, she holds a kitchen towel in her delicate hands.

"Just a writing assignment for Mr.Stevens's class" I say.

She smiles and continues walking over. "Oh yes you love that teacher don't you?" she says and smiles over me. Softly and painfully her smile was. The word fool was written across her face a million times with a big black marker.

I nod. "I'll be down in a minute" I say blowing her off. She looks down and nods.

Her eyes are glossy in the laptop light when she looks up at me again. She pushes hair away from my face. I move back a little but she doesn't remove her head.

"My little girl," she says and her hand falls "Don't worry your father will be home again with us soon. I promise"

She walks out of my room and the door shuts quietly making a click behind her.

This was what made this woman sick. She still wanted that man back. I open up my laptop and look at my story. My mother's name I would change from Annabeth Marlenne Chance to Danielle City Greenfield. She would be exactly like my mother. Twisted and unique in her own despicable way. I never desired Marcus's love. I never desired Mom's love either. I did however when I was younger desire mom's attention it was normal. She was still my mother and she raised me. I'll put that in Lucy's story too which is mine. Lucy and I are kind of like one person one mind one soul and one voice. I speak through her and she speaks for me. We share stories and we understand each other. Sometimes that's all I wish for. I wish for someone that will understand me. Maybe if Lucy were real we'd be friends. She can lean on me and I could lean on her. But Lucy isn't real. She is just me with a mask on and that's all she'll ever be

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