Stay Away From "Him"

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Riley sits next to me on the bleachers and I turn to look at him. He was playing Temple Run on his phone. I elbow him in the ribs.
"What?" he asks and I flick my head.
"Pay attention this is assembly not 'Have fun on your phone' Mr.Grey" I say. He makes a face and slips his phone into his pocket. He sits back putting his elbows on the row behind him. I roll my eyes and look down at the gym floor where Mr. Steinberg stands. The Dean of St.Ignatius Private High School. God, I never quite realized how awful a name it was for a school. What were these people thinking.
"So this year's charitable activity will be a coat drive" he says through the micro phone.
I look over and Riley's back on his phone. He must be bored. Honestly I am too. I scoot closer and rest the side of my face in the palm of my hands. He laughs without making a sound.
"Finally got bored?" he asks and I nod with wide eyes.
"I think jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge would be more fun" I say and he laughs.
"And so" Mr. Steinberg says and we look over. "Have a nice day boys and girls you are dismissed" he says and the entire student body rises from their seats.
"I have to go meet Patty" I say and grab my book bag. "We have Mrs. Rosenberg next!" I muse sarcastically and he laughs.
"You poor thing" he teases and we part ways. On the bleachers the mass of bodies is so thick I can barely see or get myself out.
"By him I meet Mr.Grey" Someone hisses in my ear and I dart looking around. My heart races and at my feet I hear a crunching. I look down and grab my writing assignment. I turn it over and it reads.
Not our only copy I stomp hard and look around again. It could have been anyone and now they're gone. And I have no idea who it was.
Patty touches up her mascara and looks at her reflection in her compact mirror. She shuts it with a click and slips it into her bag. She turns around and smiles at me.
"So" she practically sings and I look at her.
"So, what?" I ask and she makes a face.
"What? No gossip for me?" she asks and I shake my head. She throws her hands in the air.
"So why the hell do I have you for a friend for if there's no juicy gossip!" she says and Jeanine laughs.
"I have gossip for you" she says and her eyes twinkle. Patty leans into hear and so does Kate.
"While Clary's not here I heard Toby has the hots for another girl!" she whispers. Kate's jaw drops.
"You're kidding me!" she chimes. Jeanine with a crooked grin shakes her head and sits back in her chair. I roll my eyes.
"Does she know?" Patty asks and Kate looks at her like she's a moron.
"Of course not you retard!" she snaps and Patty frowns. This is going to be a long class.
Clary comes in out of breath and takes a seat. She smiles widely.
"So," she says and takes her books out "What I miss?" she asks and everyone falls silent.
"We were just talking about Twitchy Tilly and her awful hair today" Kate says dabbing her finger over her lip gloss looking at her reflection in her compact mirror. She snaps it shut and smiles. The girls look at her.
"What?" she asks completely lost. Everyone bursts into laughter. Including me. Her nose scrunches up and she turns in her chair.
"Well damn you all for not telling me" she says crossing her arms over her chest. But everyone keeps laughing.

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