Let The World Burn

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"Ben no!" I scream so loud my throat burns like fire. I run so fast banging into the walls and grabbing doors to regain my balance. I come to a staggering stop against the railing and almost fall over. "Ben!" I scream and he looks back at me but mom pulls him through the door. I have no balance and practically fly down the stairs. I'm sliding and slipping and my huge shirt is beginning to slide off of my shoulder.

"Mom leave him!" I shout and fling the front door open. She takes out her keys to the car and it opens.

"Tess I'm going to go find your father" she says and opens the door. She fixes Ben's jacket and smiles at him. "Come on sweetie get in" she says and stands.

"What are you insane?" I scream and run down the front steps. This house was far to grand for anyone to live in.

I was looking out the door to my bedroom window when I saw Mom taking suitcases out then shoving them in the trunk.

"You can't take him!" I yell and approach them.

"He's my son and we are going to go find his father" she says. "Ben get in sweetie" she says and shuts the car door with him inside.

"No!" I snap and yank it open. I tae Ben in my arms and take him out.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"I will not let you take him!" I say not putting him down.

"Tess I don't want to find daddy" he whispers in my ear. I stroke his hair and shoot my mother a glare.

"You're right I can't just take him" she says "Your coming with us go pack your things" she says. I put Ben and down and push him behind me.

"What are you crazy?" I ask.

"I am not leaving my teenage daughter at home alone" she says.

"Mom I have school church a life!" I say

"And we can get back to that life once we find your father" she says and opens the car door. She looks at me.

"Well? Let's go" she says. I shake my head.

"I'm not going anywhere with you not until the world burns! even then I'd lay upon the ashes but I will not! Help you find that horrible man!" I scream. Her face seems tired and worn out. She shakes her head and looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Tess please don't be so difficult. We need your father we need to go find him and bring him home" she says.

"Why? So he can beat your son to a pulp shove you in a hospital and leave in the streets to die? We don't need him!" I spit.

"Tess either you come with us or stay. Either way i'm not leaving my son in the care of a 16 year old" she says and looks at Ben.

"Come on honey let's go" she says softly and extends and arm to him. Ben looks at me then mom then back again. He slowly approaches her and falls into her grasp.

She puts him into the car and I feel the words choking me slowly.

"Wait!" I say and she looks at me frozen straight in my place. God Forgive me. "I'll go" I say and she smiles at me.

"I hoped you would. Go pack your things sweetheart" she says. her voice was tired soft and sugary sweet.

"On one condition" I say and she looks at me "You have to tell me where we're are going and for how long" I say. She shakes her head.

"Oh no dear we aren't going far. Plus I have things to do" she says.

"How long?" I ask and she smiles "Not long at all. Just a few weeks"

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