Wedding From Hell (Extra POV)

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Annabeth was a rather niave innocent young woman in her youth. She slimmed down to fit in her dream gown and now she was fixing the ruffles. Her parents had told her if she dared married that man they'd disown her. But she didn't care. She was going to marry him anyway. She smiled at her reflection. Charles had told finally told her he was in love with her. The feeling was mutual but annabeth pushed it aside. She was about to marry Marcus. Her dream boy. Ultimate hotty and pure all bad boy. She had met him a few years back on a trip to Spain and it had been true love ever sincd. sure he was a bit aggresive but all boys were. Her father didn't like him. She pulled her veil over her face. She was in love with him. Marcus just made her feel like she was floating on air. It was her fault it must have been her faukt he was angry the other night. She was taking forever in the shower. She knew better now not to do it again. Ananbeth scanned her blonde hair and blue eyes in the mirror. She had always wanted to get married. The swoosh her wedding dress made when she turned made her blush and ooze happiness. She grabbed her boquiette and aimed for the window in her bridal suite. She pushed aside the very soft pink almost white sheer curtains and watched as people pilled into her wedding ceremony. She smiled then frowned. Her parentss weren't there. How could they do this to her? She had been a good daughter all her life and now they were going to spite her by not going to her wedding because the man she was wearing was someone they didn't like? Well fine then two can playt this game. Annabeth at that very moment vowed that when the day came and she had her children with Marcus they weren't allowed anywhere near them. She knew this would hurt them and horribly. Ananbeth had been the last left of her family all her siblings dead. The thought of them watching over made her heart osar and break at the same time. She was the only one that can now bear grandchildren for them. And she was going to make sure they'd miss it all. The door to her bridal suite opened and she turned around then smiled.
"Annie" Charles said and shut the door behind him.
"Well?" Annabeth blushed and smiled. She turned "What do you think?" she asked.
He walked over to her shaking his head. "You look like a vision of beauty" he said and took her hands in his. She smiled.
"I hope you'll be walking me down the aisle like I asked" she said teasing. Charles she had known since her freshmen year in High School. Yet he looked the same. Handsome so handsome and mature.
"Oh Annie" he said. He was the only one that called her that and the only one she'd let call her that. Not even Marcus was allowed to call her Annie.
"Charles you seem speechless" she joked with a dazzling smile. She was so innocent and whole and beautiful back then. Until her husband broke her and she lost her mind. But she didn't know that yet. She didn't know what he was completely like. Marcus had punched her before hard or hit or smacked her sure but it was nothing compared to what he could do. nothing.
"I am" he said nodding and she laughed.
He looked at her with sorrowful eyes.
"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.
"Annabeth do you really want to do this? Do you really love this man?" he asked. It had gotten serious. He called her by her name. She swallowed hard.
"Of course I do" she says and he shook hsi head.
"Annie I love you. You know I do. And I'll say it again I don't care. Annabeth I love you with everything I have. Please I know you'll be unhappy with him I can see it. I can already see it. The man put his hands on you. He'd be dead right now but you won't let me. Annabeth don't go through with this I'm begging you" he said and grew inches closer. Annabeth's heart skipped a thousand beats everytime he did. Charles just had that kind of affect on her. He could make her heart soar. What a shame she wasn't marryign him. She would have loved to. But then again she was marrying Marcus. She looked uup at him.
"Be with me" he said and it took everything Annabeth had not to take him in her arms. He had been the only man she ever truly loved. She was just blind. She was wrapped up in the stunning mystery broken beautiful soul named Marcus Chance. She was going to marry him if it was the last thing she would do.
She shut her eyes "Charles I love you, you know that already" she said. She knew these were daggers tot he heart for him because she felt the same yet she was going to toture him and be with another man. Yet she didn't care.
"Annabeth" he said and came closer holding her hands "Let me be the one. Let me love you. I'll give you everything in the world just let it be me my love let it be me" he said and she shut her eyes again. Kiss me she wanted to scream Kiss me.
""I'm going to marry him" she practically whispered. His eyes shut when he came closer.
"Please don't" he said. Three inches. Annabeth would count down.
'I will" she said. Two inches she thought.
"No don't" he said. One inch.
"No" she said. She tugged at his hands causing his mouth to fall on hers. Zero inches was much more comfortable for Annabeth. It felt almost like a hug. He had his arms so high and tight around her she felt like she might fall. She just melted in his warmth like all she did. She was on air the same she was during every forribbiden kiss. She loved him she did she really did. But what was she to do? His mouth parted hers and she wrapper her hands around his neck. she fell limp with dizziness and excitement in his arms and he held her up. His fingers knotted through her hair. Ruining her curls his fingers moved and every hair pin fell apart and hit the floor with a shattering pin drop sound. Her silky soft hands went under his shirt over his shoulders and she could feel her heart race and his against her chest. She pressed her mouth harder trying to keep the moment from ending. and it didn't. He did the same and the feel of his lips on hers was like a sweet burning fire. She wanted more. But she was getting married. And yet she didn't care and pulled on the color of his jacket bringing him closer elimintating the space between them. Imagine there wasn't any in the first place. His hands scoured thhe back of her wedding gown where the strings were and his fingers hung on every strap sending jolts of energy through Ananbeth's body. His hands flattened and ran up her back over her shoulders until he wrapped them around her in a hug again.
It felt like a slow excrutiating pain when he slowly pulled away from her. She wanted to beg him not to let go. But he did only partially though. he still had her in his arms the only difference was his mouth wasn't on hers anymore. But it was only four inches.
"Don't marry him Annabeth. Don't. Marry me. Be with me every hour of everyday for the rest of our lives" he said to her.
Annabeth shaking her head dizzy from the kiss was still trying to regain her conciosuness.
"Charles don't leave me" she practically whimpered. He shook his head.
"I'll never leave you" he said and kissed her again hard. Annabeth wanted to cry she felt it was so beautiful and wonderful and these were the lips she wanted to kiss everyday for the rest of her life. Especially when he held her the way he did. Ran his fingers over her skin through her hair the way he did. This was the man she was supposed to marry not Marcus. She was a fool wasn't she? For leaving the man she loved behind? yet she loved Marcus and thought things like these. She was truly insane. His hand cupped the side of her face and he pulled away.
"BE with me Annabeth" he said again and she shut her eyes trying not to cry. Force a smile for him is what she thought and she did.
"Charles I love you. So much you don't even know. But I can't. I just can't. It wouldn't be fair to Marcus I.."she said and his arms were already falling limp 'I care for him too"she said. He had pulled away lookign almost terrified and disgusted. He shook his head.
"Caring is not loving Annie" he said. Yes, that was what he had said to her.
"Charles I am going to marry Marcus whether I have your blessing or not" she said and looked at him. "I would still liek you to walk me down the aisle and be there-" but he already cut her off.
"No Annie this is enough. From here on out its over. I can't my heart can't take it and neither could yours. I will walk you down the aisle and that is it and attend your party out of respect but afterwards i want nothing to do with you. i can't" he said looked at her then left leaving his longering presence behind. What had she done?
Annabeth wasn't going to stay in California anymore after her wedding. It was too much. Being around Charles would make their hearts break. She smiled at Marcus and kissed him. She was going to move to New York. and there they would start their family in the estate she inheritaed in Forest Hills. Yes that was where she'd go to escape. After that wedding from hell she'd need to leave. And for Good.

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