Chapter 4: Riley Grey Oh Riley Grey!

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3:30 time to go home thank God. I pushed myself through the front doors of St.Ignatius Private High School and waltzed right out. The light was golden out the way it is during fall. Everything seemed to be polished golden in the fall. The trees were swaying in the wind and the sun was forcing its rays through the trees and very slightly touched my skin. The gates to the high school were high made of iron intricate and old looking. The cobble stone path worn from years of feet pressing against it but nonetheless beautiful. The grass was a dark and vibrant green and I couldn't help but smile at the flowers that were still alive. Colorful and full of life. I wish I could say the same about myself.

I walked down the stairs counting the steps it took and exited the school premises. Everyone stepped into their BMW's and Audi's or Mercedes Benz even a couple dozen Cadillac's I think I saw one or two Maserati's . Some were a bright white others an intense jet black. The land surrounding the school for blocks was dense with trees and paths to estates and big beautiful homes. I heard everyone laughing and giggling. Their screaming protests made me wonder did they have a volume button?

I looked down at the textbooks in my hand. Science, literature, Spanish, and Science. They didn't fit well in my book bag so I decided to hold them. I was looking at my test on the top though. Science 100% I wasn't too surprised I did study hard.

A gust of wind hit pushing my hair astray and the paper flew along with the wind. For a moment I stood in my place trying to remove my hair from my face. I quickly turned around ready to rush to retrieve the paper.

My body banged against something hard and all of my books slipped from my fingertips hitting the floor. I look up and see that Riley Grey has just bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry" he says and bends down to pick them up. I stay frozen unable to move for a moment.

I mean I was just like


Stuck on freaking stupid.

I mean come on.


I push the hair from my face and bend down to retrieve my books.

"No it's alright I wasn't looking" I say. He stands in front of me and smiles.

A big wide pretty one. All perfect straight unbelievably white teeth. Skin sun kissed still slightly tanned from the summer. Brown hair thick soft, silky and straight. Perfect features. Bone structure, jaw line, and big beautiful, beautiful eyes that I can't quite grasp the colorful. He's tall maybe 6 foot 180 pounds of muscle, and a strong build. He was captain of the football team after all. God, he was gorgeous. But I have no time to swoon over boys. I have a little brother to get home to.

"Well I guess we both have a little fault" he says and I laugh a little.

He smiles again. Thoughts of a brother at home melt away. Brother who?

"Ya I guess well thanks anyway" I say. He holds up my test and smiles.

"This might be yours I saw it flying around" he says and hands it to me.

"Oh yes thanks" I say with a chuckle.

He even sounds sexy. Let me just stop now while I'm ahead.
I have no time for boys when I have a brother at home

I sigh at the thought but he doesn't notice.

"Hey, you're Tess  right? You started towards the end of last year" he says.

I nod. I can't believe he actually noticed me. I wasn't one to make my presence known ever. I wasn't insecure just real. I wasn't boy crazy. But I had to admit I did like him a little. He was just...I don't now...nice? Nicer then the rest I guess.

"Ya" I say.

Ya? Real smart Tess couldn't be more creative?

He smiles and extends his hand. "I'm Riley, Riley Grey" he says and I take his hand. "I'm Tess Chance" I say.

He smiles "So Tess since we're both going this way mind if I walk with you?" he asks.

I swallow hard and say nothing.
You're nice I feel like saying But I brother to get home to and no time unfortunately to engage in the boy crazy tradition of teen girls of today's generation

"Hey I'll even carry your books to compensate for bumping into you" he says with a chuckle.

I laugh a little feeling a lot less uncomfortable. The tension in my shoulders relax. Hes...nice

"Um," I say and look at my books. I smile. Ben is already at Ethan and Kelly's house. They picked him up.

I look at him. "Sure I'd like that" I say. He smiles and takes my books not even waiting for my approval. "Great" he says.

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