Bens Dream (Bens Pov)

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When I open my eyes I'm not home. I am in a room made of mirrors and glass. Yet every time I turn everywhere I turn I don't see myself small, dark hair, dark eyes with light skin. I see daddy. His eyes are dark black holes and he frowns with his head tilted down. He has his belt in his hands. I squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them again I'm at home in my bedroom. I look down and i'm in my dinosaur pajamas. The door to my bedroom is shut and something doesn't feel right. There's light coming in from the cracks in the door and I push the blanket off. My feet touch the cold ground and I shiver. For once there is no screaming, for once there is no yelling and it frightens me more. I pull on my blue robe and the tips of my toes slide across the wooden floor near the door. I stop because I have stepped in something wet. The warmth leaves my blood when I see red seeping in from under the door. I have to find Tess but I can't leave this room. I grab the door knob. It slowly turns making a creaking sound and I peak my head out down the hallway. There's a thick red trail of blood as I walk out. I shut the door behind me and walk along the path of blood before me. My footprint left a small size four trail as I came into the beginning of the staircase. The trail led down the stairs. I grab unto the banister with wobbling knees and pounding heart. As my hand runs down the banister blood begins to occupy where my hand once touched yet I had no opened wound. I turn into the kitchen and I stand there unable to move. Daddy has a hand wrapped around Tess's neck. Mommy is lying on the ground all red and she isn't moving. All you can see is her blonde hair now bloody red and covering her face. Tess is kicking and scratching all she can but daddy won't let go. Then when things couldn't get worse daddy turns and sees me. His hands flex and Tess collapses to the ground gasping for air. Daddy gears towards me. "What are you doing out of bed?" he asks. His voice was always deep scary and scratchy. He didn't even have to yell opening his mouth was enough. Tess extends her arms and can only barely cry. "Ben leave! Ben go!" she croaks. I look up. "Daddy" i say and he reaches for me. I stagger back a few steps but he just becomes closer. "Daddy what are you doing?" I ask and It's too late. I turn around to run but he grabs unto my robe pulling me back. I scream. "No!" I hear Tess scream and she grabs daddy from the back. Please don't hurt her daddy please. What are you doing? Why are you hurting us? Didn't you say you loved us daddy? Daddy please stop. He grabs her face by her jaw in one hand. Her face scrunches up together and you can hear her jaw cracking. "I've had enough of you, you ungrateful child" he says. In a twist he turns her head and Tess's neck cracks. She falls to the ground and I wait for her to come back up. She doesn't come back up. "What did you do to Tess daddy?" I ask and he sneers at me. "I took care of her now it's just you and me for a little while" he says and throws me on the floor. His belt makes a slicing noise when it comes out of the loops of his jeans. I crawl backwards. "Daddy stop" I say. He slowly walks forward. His boots make a horrible noise and he looks at me "This is for your own discipline" he says and the belt comes down to me.
I wake up my eyes flying open and I'm in a strange place. The door opens and Tess walks in. She's smiling softly to herself. I gasp for air and sit up. She looks at me "Bad dreams?" I ask and she nods. She walks over to the side of the bed and takes me in her arms.
"You forgot your chocolate milk" she says and I nod yawning then rub my eyes.
"I forgot my chocolate milk" I say. She laughs and walks out.
"Where are we?" I ask and she sits me down on a stool in front of the kitchen counter. The house was warm and made you feel like you were at home. She takes out milk and chocolate syrup.
"we're at a friends house" she says and grabs a blue glass. For some reason she seemed too warm and fuzzy to be Tess . This couldn't be Tess.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask and she looks up at me. Her eyes were glossy and sparkling. Her mouth was red and swollen but not like someone had just punched her in the mouth. Because daddy did it once and her mouth didn't look like that. Her mouth looked for some reason soft.
She shakes her head "Just um, thinking" she says. "Here Ben" she says and gives me the blue glass. She flicks her head towards the hallway. "Go on back to sleep now. YOu have school tomorrow" she says. I eyeball her sliding off the stool.
"Something tells me I am missing something here" I say and she smiles wider.
"Just go to bed!" she says. I fall back asleep easier that night. I fall asleep easier because I'm at peace because I know Tess is smiling. For whatever the reason it maybe at least she's somewhat happy. I actually got rest that night thanks to my chocolate milk.

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