Chapter 26

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

I am in the Chamber of Secrets waiting for my parents to arrive with Kovus. It seems like forever since I have seen him. I don't know why they said he was a surprise. They already told me they would bring him back for each meeting so I could see him and he could see me. There is no surprise in that. Unless they did something to my son like dyed his hair or something. Now that would be a surprise. A bad one. 

The room is all set up for the meeting, but I am here early to spend time with my son before the meeting starts. Waiting until after the meeting is over will be past Kovus's bed time and too late for a visit. Thankfully Dad agreed to come an hour early so I could spend time with Kovus.

I hear the fireplace roar and turn to see my dad enter with Kovus in his arms. My mother follows shortly afterwards. I start to run towards them when the fire roars again and out steps the love of my life. Draco. He's alive. He is really alive. I mean I knew he wasn't the dead body in the entrance of Hogwarts but to actually see him standing and breathing and smiling at me was amazing. I started crying. I couldn't move. I just stared at him while tears poured from my eyes. He was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

Suddenly I was in his arms. He rushed to me when he saw me crying. Feeling his arms around me made it more real. " You're real. You're really here, safe and alive. I knew it wasn't you in the entrance way but that didn't mean you weren't dead somewhere else. I can feel you but I still can't feel the bond. Is it really you? Am I going crazy?"

Draco stopped my ramblings by kissing me. It was him. No one could possible kiss like him. 

Draco's P.O.V.

I didn't know what to do. Ciaran was about to hyperventilate he was crying so much and talking so fast I was very concerned. So I did the only thing I could think of to calm him down. I kissed him. I felt the tension release from his shoulders and he melted into me. I heard shuffling behind me and knew that his parents brought Kovus into the other room to give us privacy. I gently released his lips but not him, keeping him secure in my arms. "It's me love. I am here. We are all safe. There is nothing to worry about. Calm down for me ok?"

"I am not going crazy?"

I laughed and hugged him tighter. "No love you're not. The bond was not broken by death but by a spell. It will come back I just don't know when. But I don't need a bond to tell me that I love you with all my heart. You and Kovus are my world and as long as you two are in it I am happy."

"Oh Draco, I thought I lost you forever and I am being watched more. Andromeda has been a rock. She has helped me hold everything together lately."

"I am glad you were not completely alone. I do have some bad news though. I can not come back to Hogwarts as a student until after the battle. Dumbledore has to believe you are still depressed and harmless for this to work." 

"I kind of figured that out for myself, but with my plan you can still come to the yule ball with me."

"I would love to but I can't love. It would be too dangerous."

Ciaran grinned. "Trust me. Hey Mom and Dad you ready for the meeting?" 

From the other room came The Dark Lord and Lady and Kovus. 

I looked around and it was just the five of us in the meeting room. "Where is everyone else for this meeting?"

Ciaran's grin got bigger. "Out in the Chamber."

When we left the meeting room and entered the chamber everyone was there, and I do mean EVERYONE. Not just the lieutenants but every single member. Even from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. The reason for this meeting is to discuss the battle at long last. The perfect opportunity has been presented to us. The Yule Ball. The biggest challenge we had to face was how to get members from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons into Hogwarts for the battle. Well the old fool has solved that for us. He has stated that we can invite anyone we want. That means Hogwarts students can invite Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students to the Yule Ball. That brings us around to why you are all here instead of just the lieutenants. Tonight is a social of  sorts. Everyone from Hogwarts will invite someone from Durmstrang or Beauxbatons to the ball. After all Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students have dates then the rest of the Hogwarts students can find another Hogwarts student to go with.  I am hoping this isn't coming across as an order. I would hope that you guys have worked along side each other long enough and well enough that you would want to do this. If anyone has any objections to this please say so now."

After Ciaran's speech the room was silent. It was filled with lots of smiling faces. I still didn't see how he was going to get me in to the Yule Ball unnoticed. But at least the majority of his plan was working.

"Ok then. Everyone mingle and start pairing up for the dance."

"Ciaran, here is the Durmstrang uniform your father requested I bring to you."

"Thank you Victor. I swear that man reads my mind and knows what I need even before I do." Ciaran laughed. He turned to me and handed me the uniform.

"Um, Love. Even in a Durmstrang uniform I am recognizable." I stated with a smirk.

"Of course you are. Which is why we are going to glamour you to look like one of the Durmstrang students that are not coming and he/you will be my date to the Yule Ball. I was planning on asking Viktor for a uniform tonight but it seems my Father figured out my needs before I did."

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