Chapter 8

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

I woke up next to somethong warm. Suddenly the previous night flooded back to me. I slept in the same bed as Draco Malfoy. I smiled to myself. I looked up and saw him as he looked at me.

"Hey," he greeted.


"We should get up and go get breakfast. Today you start your training." he told me. I nodded. Kovus was still asleep right next to me, his small hand wrapped around two of my fingers. Draco stood. "I'm going to go change, you should too." I nodded, and got out of bed, unwrapping Kovus's hand. I walked over to my wardrobe. I opened it, careful not to make too much noise and wake Kovus up. I pulled out a black button up shirt, black skinny jeans and emerald green high tops. 

I quickly pulled on my outfit and looked in the mirror. I smiled. Despite my scars and lack of weight, I didn't look all that hideous. You could see pointed ears and fangs, as well as some silver strands of hair mixed with the black. I called forth my wings. They were pure black with dots of silver on some  of the scales. They had small hooks at the edge of the bone. They must've been around 10 feet long. 

I heard a knock at my bedroom door. After retracting my wings, I opened it to see Draco there, dressed and ready. "You going to wake up Kovus?" He asked. I nodded and quietly walked over to the bed where Kovus was sleeping. I picked him up into my arms. He stirred, so I leaned down and spoke softly.

"Time to wake up Kovus?" I spoke gently. He stirred once more. "Come on Ko, time to wake up." at that he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily.

"I don't wanna." he complained, still half asleep.

"I know, but I have to go train and it's time for breakfast." He huffed and nodded. I walked over to Draco.

"You ready Ko?" Draco asked him. Kovus nodded and we walked down to the dining room. When we arrived, we found Father, Mother, Lucius, Narcissa, and Delphi all sitting at the table eating. They saw us and Mother smiled. We sat down, me next to Mother, Kovus on my lap and Draco on my other side.

"Good Morning boys." Lucius greeted. We smiled. I poured a glass of orange juice and gave it to Kovus and placed fruit and pancakes on a plate for him as well. As I was preparing my plate, Lucius said, "While you train, Ciaran, why don't you have Fred and George watch Kovus." I nodded. I ate breakfast quickly and, after leaving Kovus with the twins for the day, left for the training field.

One month later. One day till they leave for Hogwarts.

I watched as Ciaran flew in his dragon form, a dark mass. I watched as he landed on the pond, standing on top of the water. It froze under his feet. Plants, earth, fire and unfrozen water swirled around him. The wind he was using only making it go faster. He turned human again. His dragon isn't much bigger than his human form. It was so black it seemed to be made of shadows. His eyes were the same ocean blue as always when he was a dragon. His human form stood in front of me. He still had his dark wings, that stretched about ten feet. 

"Hello Dray." he greeted me. I smiled before he took off. His form speeding through the air. I watched as he suddenly held two swords made of fire and water. He summoned enemies made of shadows. He slashed and jabbed disintegrating them on contact. He blocked beams of shadows. His swords turned into a spear, with a razor sharp leaf at the point. He struck the shadows, spinning it to deflect the beams of shadow. 

Over the past month, he has grown so strong and confident. I am so proud of him, how he has overcome some of his insecurities and with regular meals and workouts he has filled out and doesn't look so tiny and fragile anymore. He and Kovus still have nightmares but Ciaran recovers quicker. Also our bond has gotten even stronger. 

Without me noticing, the targets stopped coming. He flew down to me. "We should probably get back. It is almost dinner and we have to get up early tomorrow for the train." He told me. I realized how late it was. I nodded. He retracted his wings and took my hand. I looked at the silver dragon ring with emerald eyes on his finger. It was a promise that at Christmas, we would be married and bonded. It was the one ring Ciaran was going to wear even with his glamour and fake identity. It sat proudly along with the bracelet, made of four different metals representing all four houses, that he wore on his wrist. 

We arrived at the manor and walked to the dining hall. We sat down at the table, just as Fred and George entered carrying a smiling Kovus.

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