Chapter 25

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Dumbledore's P.O.V.

It is grand sitting in my throne at the front of the Great Hall like the King I should be. Wonderful, Harry is all depressed again and not eating. I should have killed that mini Death Eater when I had the chance but him hinting that he knew something I didn't stopped me.  I have to get that information from him before I kill him. In the mean time everyone already thinks he is dead. I love when things go my way.

What is that? A disturbance in the wards at the Burrow. No one should be there except Draco and he should be tied securely so he shouldn't be disturbing the wards. I better go check this out. 

I briskly walk out of the Great Hall so no one can see me apparate away from the school. That would cause to many questions. Once alone I apparate to the Burrow and check the wards again. Someone used the floo network to enter. I better go check on my guest.

As I enter the back door, into the kitchen, I see the back of someone heading out the front door. I run after them but they are no where in sight by the time I get there. The apparated away. I cast a spell to pick up there trail. It takes a few moments but I find it and use it to apparate to the same place they did.

I am in some woods but no one is here. When I make my way out of the woods I find myself near Malfoy Manor. The brat made it home. I will have to figure out what to do when this knowledge comes to light. Nothing I can do about it now. I better go back to Hogwarts. 

Draco's P.O.V.

After getting to Riddle Manor, and getting checked out in the medical wing, I ran to find Ciaran's father. It was lunch time so I found him in the dining room with his wife and Kovus. I scooped Kovus up and hugged him tight spinning around in a circle laughing with pure happiness that he was here and safe.

"Papa" Kovus giggled.

"It is so good to see you Kovus."

"Papa, you have yunch wif me and Granpa and Granma?"


"Your mother is closing up Malfoy Manor and should be here shortly." The Dark Lord stated.

"Oh I just had a wonderful idea." I said then I leaned forward and whispered into Kovus's ear. He got a big grin on his face.

"Yea, yets do it!" Kovus said excitedly.

"We will be right back." Kovus and I headed to the lounge where the Floo Fireplace was. Shortly after getting there the fire turned green signaling someone was coming through. "Get ready Kovus."

He was sitting on my hip kicking his legs back and forth in excitement. When my mother came through the fireplace Kovus yelled, "Hi Granma." She looked at me then she looked at Kovus, then back at me, and then she feinted. I guess between seeing me safe and being called Grandma for the first time, it was just too much for her. 

I quickly run to her. I make sure she didn't hurt herself when she fell. She comes to and smiles at me yelling my name and giving me a tight hug. "You're alive and safe. Thank Merlin. Are you injured. Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

"Whoo whoo  slow down one question at a time, Mother. Yes I am alive and safe, No I am not injured, Yes I am fine, and he only tied me up  and left me in the attic of the Burrow."

"He who?" She asked.

"Dumbledore. He was going to kill me but I hinted that I knew something that he didn't so he kept me alive until he could get the information out of me. Thankfully the Twins found me before he came back with Veritiserum."

"But Dear, he sort of did kill you. He polyjuiced someone to look like you and killed them so everyone thinks your dead."

"What? I have to talk to Ciaran now. I have to let him know I am alive and that I didn't leave him. He will fall into a depression again. And with Kovus here with Ciaran's parents safe and sound, there is nothing preventing him from killing himself."

"Calm down Draco." a deep voice came from behind me. I turned around to find the Dark Lord and Lady standing there holding Kovus. "We do have to tell him that we found you, but we already convinced him that you were still alive and we just had to find you. So he is fine. I thank you for worrying about him. It proves to me that you really do love him and will continue to protect him." the Dark Lord stated.

"I love him more then anything. He is my life."

"You won't be able to go back to attend Hogwarts until after the final battle but you will be able to join us when we go for meetings and of course for the final battle itself. Speaking of meetings. Lets get ready. We have a meeting in about an hour, and I want to arrive early so Ciaran can enjoy his surprise before the meeting starts." The Dark Lord said with a smirk.

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