Chapter 22

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Tom's P.O.V.

"Son listen to me, you need to calm down. Kovus is safe with us, and your friends are right. If Dumbledore wanted to kill him, it would have been him you found in the entry way."

"Then why can't I feel him? The bond is broken. That only happens with death."

"No. It can also happen with dark spells and potions. Dumbledore probably used one of those. We will find him. Trust me son. Be strong. However it might not be a bad Idea to act weak, just make sure it is only an act.

"I will try Father." 

"I will send out men to search around and see if we can find where he is. But you stay strong Ciaran. If for no other reason then for Kovus."

"Yes Father. I will be strong and continue to train with the others while in the chamber but outside I will appear broken like something is wrong. Make him think his tactics are working. Thank you for talking me through my panic attack." 

"That is what true family is for Ciaran. To love and support each other. Now go.  I have work to do on this end. Be safe my son."

"I will Father. You as well. Keep everyone safe on your end." Then the fire call ended.

My first action was to call a meeting. Once I filled everyone in and assured both Narcissa and Lucius that Draco was alive just being held somewhere, I was able to hand out assignments.

"Lucius I want you to go to the Ministry and  find out if Dumbledore or anyone from the Order has purchased property recently that we don't know about. Sirius and Remus I want you to check out Grimauld place. Fred and George I want you to check out the Burrow.  Everyone else check out hotels, motels, rental properties, abandoned buildings. I want no stone unturned."

The meeting broke up and Bellatrix came in caring her grandson. He was upset. "Papa cold and angry and full moon in two days. If he turn while bad men have him they will kill him." 

"How do you know this Kovus?" I asked gently.

"Cane told me. Cane is Celina's brother and had taken a liking to Papa and started following him around. Managed to wrap himself around Papa's leg before they went poof. He came back to tell Celina that he needed her help because he was in an adick and was chained and had something in his mouf so he couldn't talk. The two left just before my nap after breakfast." 

Sirius's P.O.V.

Remus and I entered Grimauld Place by floo. First thing we noticed was it was not empty as it should be unless there was to be a meeting. Remus headed toward the kitchen where there were smells of cooking. 

"Ah Molly, what ever your cooking smells wonderful as usual." Remus said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Remus. Lunch will be ready in about 20 minutes if you care to join us."

"We would love to." he replied.

I calmly asked, "Is there a meeting going on that we don't know about?"

"No. Albus and a few others needed to do an interrogation of some Death Eater they caught and asked if they could use the Burrow. So Arthur and I are here until they are done." 

I looked at Remus and could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. Draco was at the Burrow. "Well we came to look for a book in the library to settle a friendly little debate we were having so we will go and do that while you finish cooking lunch."

"Ok. I will call you when it is done."

When we entered the library I randomly picked up a book while Remus put up a silencing charm. "We need to get to the Burrow to help Fred and George."

"How can we when you promised Molly we would stay for lunch?" I asked.

"Ok so we don't go but we can send a Patronus to Tom and let him know what we found out and our situation.  I also think we should secretly check our food and drink for any potions or charms. It's too late in the game to make stupid mistakes now."

After Remus sent off his wolf Patronus to Tom, we took down the silence charm and left the library talking about the book I picked up as if that was what we were doing the whole time in the library. 

Tom's P.O.V. 

I was pacing in my study, when a wolf Patronus entered and said in Remus's voice, "The Burrow has been cleared out for an interrogation of a Death Eater. According to Molly. Padfoot and I are unable to leave at the moment to assist the Tricksters without suspicion."

Great! Now what?

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