Chapter 23

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Fred's P.O.V. 

George and I get to the burrow with the reason of visiting Mom and Dad and the need to pick up some prank stuff we left in our room. When we walk into the house, however, it is empty. "Forge does something seem off to you? Where are Mom and Dad?"

"I don't know Gred but lets look around with wands at the ready."

Everything seems normal. There are dishes that are washing themselves in the kitchen and needles knitting something by themselves in the living room.

"Gred, look at the clock."

I turn to look at what George is talking about and the family clock shows Ron and Ginny at Hogwarts, Charlie, Bill and Percy at work, Fred and George at home and Mom and Dad at Grimauld Place. 

I ask, "Why are they there? There isn't a meeting that I have been informed of."

"I don't know but something tells me we should search quickly." George answered.

After having searched the first floor we ran upstairs and started searching the bedrooms and bathrooms and closets. Any where Draco could fit. "He doesn't appear to be here." I said

Just as we were about to head back downstairs, I felt something slither around my leg. I look done and see a medium sized snake. "Forge." I whisper in a scared voice. 

"Ones on me too." he replied just as scared. I watched as the snake wrapped its tail around my ankle and started to head towards the attic stairs. I felt I gentle tug, like the snake was trying to pull me in that direction. It looked back at me an did it again. When I looked over at George I noticed that his snake was doing the same.

"I think they want us to go to the attic?"

"Well we haven't checked there, why not?"

When George and I started to head for the attic stairs the snakes let us go and slithered up the stairs ahead of us. There was a hole in the wall beside the door that the snakes slithered into. George tried the door but it was locked. He took out his wand and said "Alohomora". The door opened right away. There laying on a cot was Draco.

"That was to easy I suggest we grab Draco , apparate  and ask questions later." I declared. 

George picked up Draco. The snakes wrapped themselves around our legs and we tried to apparate. Nothing happened. We ran as fast as we could down the stairs and out the front door and tried to apparate again. Success!!!! We landed in a forest about 5 miles from Malfoy Manor.  Just in case anyone picked up our apparation trail. We walked about 2 miles in a random direction and then apparated to Riddle Manor. 

Tom's P.O.V.

How am I supposed to get word to the tricksters that they maybe walking into a trap. I just kept pacing my office until there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I growled, not in the mood to be disturbed.

The door opened and in walked Draco and the Tricksters. 

George steps forward and states, "You might want to evacuate Malfoy Manor for a while. I will explain later."

I am not used to taking orders but something in the young mans face tells me this is serious. I kneel in front of the fire and make a floo call to Narcissa's sitting room.

"Tom, have you found Draco?" She asks as soon as she sees me.

"No time for that. Evacuate Malfoy Manor. Anyone who is there including house elves get them to Riddle Manor. Now!"

I end the call and make another floo call to Lucious in his office at the ministry. "Lucious, no time for explanations. Malfoy Manor is being Evacuated so when you get done there come directly here."

"Yes sir," Lucious responded.

Narcissa's P.O.V.

Narcissa pointed her wand to her throat and said, "Sonorus". With the amplifying charm on her everyone in the house would hear her. 

"Malfoy Manor is being evacuated. Everyone, including house elves, report to my sitting room immediately."  

She then canceled the spell and proceeded to strengthen the wards of the manor. She included I spell that if anyone entered she would be notified. 

As soon as everyone was there she proceeded to send them to Riddle Manor using the floo network. When she was the last she closed the floo to the manor locking it with a password that only she knew, so no one, not even her husband could floo in or out of Malfoy Manor except her.

With that done she flooed out of Malfoy Manor and to Riddle Manor. As soon as she got there the first thing she saw made her faint dead away.

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