Chapter 12

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Draco's P.O.V.

Ciaran and I sat with Kovus in the living room. I had my arms wrapped around him and Kovus was sitting on his lap, dozing slightly. Ciaran smiled lovingly at the young boy, and I knew that I would have to protect this child, or Ciaran would die of heartbreak. Kovus woke up.

"Daddy." he giggled. Ci smiled and ruffled his hair. Kovus turned to me, "Papa." I blinked. What? "Papa." he said again with a giggle. Ciaran turned to me and smiled. I smiled too, because Ko was right. He was my son. He was Ciaran's so he was mine. 

"That's right Ko, I'm Papa." Ci smiled even brighter and he kissed my cheek.

"You missed." I told him.

"Did I?" I nodded and smiled, so he leaned in and we kissed. It was full of passion and promise. A promise to always love the other, and only the other. Never anyone else. I smiled into the kiss, before we pulled back.

"I love you." I declared. He smiled.

" I love you too." and we laid there for a while.

Off to Potions class

I walked into potions class slightly behind Ciaran, Andromeda and the weasel. Snape as usual sulked in the darkness. "There will be no choosing your own seats this year, as quite a few of you like to ruin other student's potions. This person will be your partner for the rest of the year so hopefully no sabotaged potions this year. No buts or complaints."  The class groaned but were silenced with a glare. "Granger with Parkinson," Andromeda smiles because Pansy is her mate after all. "Weasley with Crabbe, Longbottom and Zabinin, Finnigan with Nott, maybe you can keep the potion from exploding. Thomas with Goyle, Smythe and Hummel." Massive groans. "and Potter and Malfoy. Please switch seats quickly so we can begin." Ciaran smiled slightly as he moved to the front where I was waiting. When he sat down I briefly caught his hand, unfortunately only for a moment. There were too many people in the room. Ciaran, or Potter as I have to call him. forced a frown. I sneered halfheartedly.



"Stay out of my way, and do as I say. I prefer to get good marks and I will not let having you as a sorry excuse for a partner bring those marks down." I drawled, Ci sneered.

"Whatever Ferret. As long as I get good marks too."

"Today we shall be brewing The Draught of Living Death." Uncle Sev droned. "Turn to page 394 and begin."

"Potter go grab the ingredients while I set the cauldron. I'm not sure you'd be able to handle it." I wanted to hit myself. I almost apologized. How could I insult him like that? My mate? How could I do that? I felt a little sick after that. 

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