Chapter 29

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Ciaran's P.O.V.

The next three days seemed to fly by. Everyone getting ready for the Yule Ball. Some excited for the dance. Others getting ready for a battle. We met everyday in the chamber to practice. Honing our skills and getting to anticipate each others moves to work together as a cohesive unit. We worked on Hand to Hand, Weapons as well as spell work. 

The evening before the Ball we had another meeting. It calmed my nerves because I got to see Draco again and the first thing he did was hug and kiss me, letting me know he loved and missed me. I felt better after that and realized Andromeda was right. I had nothing to worry about. 

The meeting was uneventful and went smoothly. Just ironing out details for the upcoming battle. Making sure everyone comes out unscathed. We stressed that no one was to be killed. Stunned only. We were going to let the Wizengamot decide their fates. We were not going to become the monsters they accused us of being. Incapacitate, restrain, and that is all. There was some grumbling because some wanted Dumbledore dead, but eventually they all agreed to the plan saying it was best to prove we were not monsters and just wanted justice. 

After the meeting, everyone was told to get a good nights sleep because the next day was it. The day they had been preparing for. Everyone cheered and then went their own separate ways. Draco stayed behind for about a half hour to spend a little extra time with me. We hugged for a while and I could tell that he was really nervous. I pushed it aside and told myself it was because of the upcoming battle. Then suddenly...

"Ciaran, I need to talk to you about something." OH MY GOD. That is never a good sign. 

"What's wrong? What did I do? I can fix it I promise." I pleaded.

"Calm down love. You did nothing wrong. You just need to answer a question. Now I have already spoken with your parents. Let me tell you that was scary. However, they did give me permission to ask you this question." He stood up from the couch and kneeled down in front of me. I started to cry. "Ciaran, My Love, will you do me the honor of marring me when we finish our schooling here at Hogwarts?"

For a moment I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. I just cried. Then I became full of energy and through myself at Draco shouting "Yes, Yes. A million times Yes."

"I have a ring for you but it is best if you don't wear it until after the battle. I just couldn't wait until then to ask you to be mine. You have made me the happiest man alive." He hugged me so hard I thought he was going to break a rib, but I didn't mind. I was hugging him back just as hard. 

"I don't need a ring, I just need you. The fact that you actually faced my parents to ask permission to ask me, proves to me how much you love me and I will never doubt it again. Even if the bond never comes back," I declared.

"I have to go now Love. My time is up. If I stay much longer my magical signature will be able to be picked up and we can't let anyone know I was here. I will see you tomorrow and after that you will never be able to get rid of me again."



"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Draco left and I went back to Gryffindor Tower to get a good night sleep for tomorrows battle. When I walked through the portrait hole I noticed Andromeda sitting on the couch. No one else was in the room. I walked over and sat down beside her. "How was your evening?" I asked her.

She looked at me odd seeing as how she was with me for most of the evening. "It was fine. How was yours?"

"Excellent." I grinned.

"Okay, what happened after I left to put that grin on your face?"

"Well, lets just say that after tomorrow nights Ball I will be wearing a ring on my left hand."

Being the bright witch that she is, she knew right away what I was talking about. "He asked you? Congratulations! Wait. Did he ask your parents first? Because if not they are going to be very angry with him."

"He asked."

"He must have been scared shitless."

"He was." I giggled.

Andromeda and I laughed for a while and then went up to our rooms to go to bed. After all, we have a big day tomorrow.  

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